Discoveres 2

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Normal p.o.v

It's been a couple of years since the death of Stoick and Valka Haddock as everything has changed over the past few years Hiccups all grown up still mourning the death of his parents he was now 18 years old still in high school he would've graduated but he had to go to his singing career traveling around the world meeting a few fans here and there traveling as he finally arrived back to New York city as he was coming out of the tour bus before it's only been 1 year since he left and this city has already turned into a hell hole as he then felt an arm being wrapped around him as it was his assistant and his cousin Snotlout

"So cuz how does it feel being back" Snotlout said as he took a deep breath but hes eyes snapped open and almost puked as Hiccup chuckled "it feels great actually been gone for a year and this place has gone to hell" Hiccup said as he dropped his bag to the ground as he was wearing a long sleeve shirt with words on the sleeves "come on Cousin the reason why we went for a training trip is for you to stop being a vigilante and get a break for awhile" Snotlout said as he already knew about Hiccups secret as Hiccup chuckled "Snotty you know I wont stop this city needs me you know the reason why I started this whole Vigilante thing" Hiccup said as Snotllut let out a huff and a sight "I know Hiccup but look all I want is what's best for my cousin and that means finding you a girl when was the last time you got laid" Snotlout said as Hiccup picked up his bag and placed it over his shoulder "never I'm still a virgin" Hiccup said

"Right I forgot come on our bus concert should be here soon to drop us to your mansion" Snotlout said as Hiccup smiled and saw the bus coming their way as it stopped infront of them as they both got on only to see woman in bikinis and drinking wine as Snotlout smiled "I knew you would be board along the way so I arranged some woman for you" Hiccup said as Snotlout looked at him "Hiccup have I ever mention your my favorite" Snotlout said as he ran off towords the woman as Hiccup went to the VIP room as he was there by himself as he looked at himself and he looked at himself as if he was an 8 year old that day he lost his parents on the crash they still haven't found the guy

Once they arrived at the mansion Snotlout was covered with lips kisses all around his face as one tried to seduce Hiccup but he refused and walked out of the bus as he looked at his mansion as he grabbed his key and opened the door to see everything was wrapped in plastic "come on we have a lot of work ahead of us" Hiccup said as he started taking off the plastic

Okay so I dont usually dont do this but this is a crossover so I'm gonna be adding T'Challa and Shuri to this story I hope you guys dont mind

As we skip somewhere in Africa as Black panther was there as he saw a woman being kidnapped as Black panther saw through the darkness as the guy was scared but then black panther busted through a window as that scared the guy but then black panther grabbed his heart as he was having a heart attack as he stumbled down as the thug began chuckling "what's wrong panther cat got your tongue" he said as he grabbed a metal pipe and began hitting him all over till Black Panthers suit turned purple

He then exploded hurting the guy but also hurting the hostage as T'Challa saw that as hes been feeling a bit sick

Time skip

T'Challa went back to Wakanda as he was being examined by his sister Shuri who was 19 as he caught her listening to music of dragon riders as he looked at his sister dancing

Okay I know Shuri was originally 16 in the movie but I wanted to change a few things

"So sis do you know what happened" T'Challa said as Shuri had her iPad as she didnt know how to break it to T'Challa "brother amm your not gonna like this your body has a disease that is uncurable even for my standards the more you stress your body the more pain you'll be in and eventually die" Shuri said as T'Challa looked at the results as he saw it was true he was putting on a tremendous amount of stress in his body which means he has to resign his job as king and black panther

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