new pet 22

269 6 4

Normal p.o.v

Hiccup and Astrid finally made it home as they both embraced eachother into a hug "Hiccup I'm so happy your not a father" Astrid said as Hiccup smiled on her shoulder "yeah I know but it would be cool to be a dad but I'm not ready for dad and your dad would kill me if I got you pregnant at this young age" Hiccup said as Astrid broke the hug and hit Hiccup in the shoulder "I dont mind having many children as you want" Astrid said as she cupped Hiccups chin with one finger

"But how about we go get something for dinner I'm hungry" she said as she puts her jacket down on the couch as Hiccup had a disappointed face and chuckled "alright how about this how about I take you to a restaurant not far from here" Hiccup said as Astrid grabbed her gloves and took them off "nah how about you make something I haven't seen you cook once what you've never cooked" Astrid said as Hiccup put a face as if Astrid was challenging him "oh Astrid you dont want to go there I  can cook I just dont want to show it" Hiccup said as Astrid raised her eye brow as Hiccup went to the kitchen and began looking around

"Alright I have everything in here to make something that you would want to keep eating" Hiccup said as he put on an apron and began turning on the stove as Astrid just sat there and began looking at Hiccup and his cooking skills

As Hiccup grabbed a knife as he grabbed a clean chicken as he sliced a part of it as Hiccup began disassembling it and breaking it into small pieces as he grabbed a leg and began cutting it into pieces as Hiccup grabbed a bowl as he started cutting some vegetables about tomato,onion and potatoes as Hiccup then dumped the rest of the chicken inside as Hiccup grabbed 3 sauces  as Hiccup poured all three inside of the bowl as Hiccup then put the top on it to make sure that the steam deosnt come on as Hiccup began waiting for it as he saw part of the steam coming out so Hiccup grabbed a small towel as he dipped it in water as he then did a few twirls squeezing the towel as he placed it around the edges of the bowl

Time skip

"And done" Hiccup said as he puts the bowl infront of Astrid as Astrid grabbed a fork as he stabbed into the chicken as she began looking around it as she then ate the whole thing as her eyes widened in amazement "Hiccup this tastes so good" Astrid said as she grabbed another bite as Hiccup grabbed a fork and ate a piece of chicken "wow I really outdid myself" Hiccup said as he looked at Astrid as Astrid waved a piece of chicken infront of Hiccup as Hiccup munched on the chicken as Astrid got up and sat on Hiccups lap as Hiccup wrapped his arm around her waist

As Astrid placed her head on Hiccups shoulder as Toothless then jumped on the counter looking at Hiccup and Astrid "no bud you already have your food over there this is for me and Astrid" Hiccup said as he grabbed the bowl as he grabbed another bite as Toothless let out a growl and opened his mouth "ugh fine you lazy cat" Hiccup said as he grabbed a chicken and threw it at Toothless mouth as Toothless began eating "Hiccup when was the last time that Toothless went home to explore" Astrid said as Hiccup went into thinking position "almost since he came living here for almost a year" Hiccup said as Toothless jumped down and went to his bed "hey your right how about tomorrow will go exploring Toothless old home" Hiccup said as Astrid smiled "yeah we could use a vacation after all weve been through" Astrid said as Hiccup smiled "yeah we could use a vacation" Hiccup said

Time skip

Toothless was playing with a rubber ball as Astrid and Hiccup were sitting peacefully in the jet they were riding as they then land at the forest section of Wakanda as Hiccup stepped out with Astrid and Toothless as Toothless began running around with a happy smile waiting to go the forest as Hiccup walked down and began leading Astrid to the forest and Toothless as well as they were at the entrence as Hiccup began leading them to the forest as Astrid was holding very tight to Hiccups arm as she looked around and saw some glowing eyes in the darkness of the forest

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