you are/Not the father 21

206 4 4

Normal p.o.v

2 days

"Hiccup talk to me open up" Astrid said as she was knocking at the door at Hiccups spare bedrooms  as Hiccup locked the door since he couldn't face Astrid since he could possibly be the father of Cami's child as Astrid was worried as well as today is the day when Hiccup has to be part of a TV show that reveals if it's the father apparently they found a way to show who the father is even tho the baby is still in their womb

So since Hiccup locked himself at the room he forgot his phone so Astrid dialed T'Challa and explained everything that's been going on since in the morning as then he began landing in the backyard as he then knock at the door "hey I came as I got the message wheres Hiccup" T'Challa said as He began following Astrid as they reach the second floor as Shuri was there as well as then T'Challa knocked Hiccup open the door or I swear to all the gods I will kick this door down" T'Challa said as then Shuri got her tech as she placed it against the wall and saw a heat signiture and it was all crumbledd into a ball

"Hes in there  so mind explaining what is going on" Shuri said as T'Challa looked st Astrid "when Hiccup got drugged Cami took advantage of him in his car and I guess he came inside of her and now shes saying shes pregnant With Hiccups child" Astrid said as that shocked Shuri as she looked at the door and back at Astrid "well then" Shuri said as she then grabbed a hairpin and began unlocking Hiccups door "wow, wait when did you learn to pick a lock" T'Challa said as Shuri gave him a look "brother I do this every time whenever your locked in your room sometimes to find what you've been writing in that diary of yourse" Shuri said as T'Challa shut his mouth but then they hear the door being unlocked as then Hiccupcame out as he had bangs under his eyes

"Hey guys hows it been" Hiccup said as he had a faint smile as then Astrid walked over there and gave Hiccup a hug  "Hiccup you have got to stop making me worry so much you haven't came out of that room for 2 days" Astrid said as Hiccup patter her head and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead "sorry Astrid all of this is my faulting sorry I dragged you into my problems" Hiccup said as Astrid let out a shaky breath "babe I dont care what problems you have to face through" Astrid said as T'Challa and Shuri feel glad that Hiccup chose the perfect girlfriend for himself and a super loyal one

"Anyway come on we gotta go for the show if you dont show up you'll go to prison" Astrid said as Hiccup nodded and went inside to get changed

"Well at the meantime I'm gonna go investigate on Cami see if I can see the blood samples" Shuri said as she began typing on her ipad and walked away as T'Challa stayed as Hiccup went inside and got changed

Meantime elsewhere

Cami was talking to the guy who owns the show as she had a smile since she didnt had to bribe the guy since shes confident that the baby is hers "so here we go you ready" a medic said as he had some injection as Cami lifted her shirt as she let out a grin on her face

Time skip

"You know I dont like this" a pony tailed hair guy said as he looked really buff as he had hes arms crossed as he was talking to Cami at the TV show "I know you dont but just imagine that this baby is yourse Eret" Cami said as the buff figure was Eret as he looked down thinking to himself why is he still with her thay she cheated on him and hes still with her and shes pregnant with someones else child "kind of hard to do" Eret said as they were waiting to be interviewed

Time skip

Hiccup and Astrid made it to the show as Hiccup was wearing a short sleeve black shirt with blue pants and black boots as he was grabbing a hold of Astrids hand as they then went backstage as a guard was there "hello Hiccup Haddock" the guard said as he had a list as Hiccup nodded as the guard then looked at Astrid "and you are" The guard said with a questionable look "Astrid hofferson" Astrid said as the guard began looking throught the list "your not on the list you have to wait at the couch please come in" the guard said as he opened the door for Hiccup and Astrid walked in as they both sat at the couch and then a doctor came by "oh Hiccup Haddock please come in" the doc said as Hiccup walked inside as he just sat there as the doctor rolled up his sleeve and began cleaning as he tried to put the  needle inside but it then bended "wow someones been working out can you try and relax" thr doc said as Hiccup focused moving his energy somewhere else

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