Date 8

343 7 5

Normal p.o.v

Hiccup was getting things ready for Astrids arrival as he got some of her favorite snacks as then he heard lightfootsteps 2 actually as he knew who those were from "what's all this" Shuri said as she picked up a bowl of fruit and began eating the grapes "oh an old friend is coming over for a project I'm gonna draw and shes gonna do some research" Hiccup said as Shuri almost choked on her grape "sorry she" Shuri said making the 'she' word pop out as Hiccup looked at her

"Yeah we were childhood best friends till we were in diffrent middle schools" Hiccup said as he started walking up the stairs "is she nice" Shuri said walking up behind Hiccup as T'Challa was chuckling "dont worry Shiri Hiccup has a nice taste of woman dont you my brother" T'Challa said mocking Hiccup as Hiccup had a slight blush on his face "well see I've never had a girlfriend before and well that's that but were just friends" Hiccup said as he went upstairs and his his suit in a drour with a lock on it as he used a hologram to disguise the lock making it seem like a normal drour

"Well let's just see arent you gonna introduce us" Shuri said as T'Challa nodded "well sure she should be here any second" Hiccup said as then there was a ding bell "speak of the devil" Hiccup said as he walked down the stairs and fixed his hair as he opened the door as he saw Astrid with some books "hey Hiccup" Astrid said fixing her hair as Hiccup opened the door widely "hey Astrid I hope you dont mind but my how should I put it we have some other guest" Hiccup said as Astrid placed her books down

"Really who" she asked as she then saw T'Challa and Shuri coming down the stairs "Astrid meet my siblings T'Challa and Shuri" Hiccup said as Astrid was surprised that Hiccup has siblings "wow siblings you never mentioned you had siblings" Astrid said as she shook T'Challa and Shuris hand "yeah well long story short" Hiccup said as they all sat down

Time skip

So after telling some stories leaving out the part of Hiccup being the next Black panther which hes gonna rename himself Astrid felt more bad for Hiccup him knowing that Stoick wasnt hes actuall father and that his brother T'Challa was the king of Wakanda and Hiccup might be heir to the throne "well it's nice to meet an old friend of my brother" Shuri said as she began walking through the front door as so did T'Challa followed behind her as they close the door leaving the 2 teens in the living room "so when are you gonna take heir of Wakanda" Astrid said as Hiccup got in a thinking position

"Maybe after graduation hey being king wont be that bad all I have to do is look over a village I can still continue my singing careers and hang out with you" Hiccup said as Astrid blushed at Hiccups comment as she ruffled her hair "anyway I brought some books maybe we can start on our project" Astrid said as Hiccup smiled as he grabbed a tray "sure we have all weekend fruit" Hiccup asked as Astrid took a cup filled with berries "thanks" she said and began eating some of them "hey you never told me how did you learn to fight back at the mall I saw how you kicked butt" Astrid said as they both began walking upstairs to Hiccups room

"Well see I've been getting mugged back in middle school so I taught myself to fight I went exploring around the world till I found a mountain of monks they've taught me a few things and that's where I learned to fight" Hiccup said as he opened the door as Astrid walked in amaze on how big the bedroom was Hiccup could fit 5 people in just his bed

Hiccup then grabbed a portrait and some paint brushes as Astrid grabbed her notebook she then heard a growl behind her as she looked over a door and saw yellow slits in complete darkness "amm Hiccup" Astrid said as she was stumbling back as then Toothless appeared yawning as Astrid got scared and got behind Hiccup "relax Astrid this is Toothless,Toothless Astrid" Hiccup said as he pat Toothless's Side as he yawned and walked to his hed and began sleeping "lazy panther I've met him during my visit to Wakanda he was a small cub when I found him injured" Hiccup said lying at the last part

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