Girlfriend 9

440 5 15

Normal p.o.v

Hiccup parked infront of Astrids apartment as she then looked at Hiccup with a smile "thanks Hiccup I've had fun hey its been awhile since you saw my parents why dont you come and visit them" Astrid said as Hiccup turned off his car but he was nervous as well "w....well sure what harm will it do" Hiccup said as they both got out and walked infront of the door as Hiccup was shaking in fear "man I forgot how much of a shy guy you were" Astrid said reading Hiccup as Hiccup let out a breath "yeah sorry it's just that it's been awhile since ive seen your parents" Hiccup said as they then heard footsteps approaching them

The door then opens to revial Martin "Astrid your back oh and whos this" Martin said as it surprised Hiccup that Martin didnt know him "honey who's at the door" Ingrid said as she came at the door and saw Astrid and Hiccup at the door "oh honey is this your boyfriend" Ingrid said as Astrid blushed at the comment and so did Hiccup "hy Ingrid Martin dont remember me" Hiccup said as Martin squinted his eyes and so did Ingrid as they're eyes went wide "Hiccup as in the singer Hiccup" Ingrid said as Martin smiled as he embraced Hiccup into a hug and carried him as Ingrid and Astrid smiled at the reaction

As for Hiccup and Martin used to be very close back in the day as Hiccup would often leave food for Martin back at his work place hes the chief of the NYPD and Hiccup would sneakily give Martin food but sometimes when Martin would get calls of Hiccup skipping school he always had to track him down either doing dangerous stunts or at the grave of his parents as Martin felt saw and agreed to take care of him for a bit till Gobber finally adopted him as that's when the last time they saw eachother as Martin used to see Hiccup as a son

For Ingrid she would be too tired from coming to work as a Lawyer as she couldn't move to make something to eat so Hiccup would agree to cook as his food was amazing and he would let Ingrid take the credit for cooking food as Hiccup used to watch TV about cooking as he tried it himself and he was really talented at cooking and Gobber would often call in repairs for the kitchen and fire departments would come over and put out the fire

So they really missed Hiccup after a long time as Martin finally put him down as Hiccup catched his breath even tho he has panther god powers Martin was really strong "Hiccup oh how much have you grown" Ingrid said as she embraced Hiccup into a hug as Astrid couldn't stop chuckling at her parents embracing Hiccup Into hugs "please,please come in" Ingrid said as Hiccup and Astrid looked at eachother as they both came in and sat at the couch as Ingrid brought some coffee as Hiccup took it and began taking sips

"Mm wow tastes great" Hiccup said as he could taste the ingredients of the coffee which tasted great as he placed the coffee down "so Hiccups it's been years since weve seen you why dont we try and catch up" Martin said as he laid his arm over Ingrids shoulders "well I've been travelling around the world making my future career and I just came here to finish my graduation but I chose here because I wanted to rebuild my friendship with Astrid I've missed her for so long" Hiccup said with a smile as Astrid blushed and combined her hands together

"Well that's nice to hear so have you met anyone during your travels" Martin said winking at Hiccup hoping he got laid during his travels as Ingrid elbowed him in the gut as Astrid didnt know what she was feeling like despair and anger coursing through her veins it might've been jealousy

"Well no most of my travels were just woman who wanted me for my fame and for my money even some guys were asking me out" Hiccup said scratching the back of his head as people saw him turning down every girl so they thought he was gay but turns out he wasnt "well it must've been an adventure for you hahahah" Martin said laughing while slamming his knee as Ingrid frowned and so did Astrid as Martin could feel the glare of both girls as he started sweating

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