travelled 12

277 3 0

Normal p.o.v

AGH" Hiccup screamed out as he was stopping a bank heist as Hiccup was punched against a wall as Hiccup made a dent into it as Hiccup got out and the big guy went for a punch as Hiccup dodged and jumped over the guy as Hiccup kicked him to the wall knocking him out as then another thug appeared with a knife as he tried to stab Hiccup but Hiccup grabbed his wrist and twisted it making the guy stab himself on his shoulder as Hiccup delivered him a roundhouse kick as all the thugs were down for the count as Hiccup tapped on his wrist and activated a cloaking devise as he sneaked out of the building

As Hiccup was back on the roof he was interrupted talking to Shuri when the thugs came and decided to rob a bank in the middle of the night as Hiccup crawled to the building and met Shuri again "well after I was rudely interrupted Hiccup you cant take your suit to japan" Shuri said yeah I should've figured my Vigilante career is getting popular most people are knowing me and if they know me and see me I was in Japan they'll suspect that either me or any of my classmates to be the Black fury and they'll want answers "so got a back up plan because I cant risk anyone using the great Hiccup Haddock" I said doing a small spin

"That's why I have something better" Shuri said as then small nano bots started creating a suit as I began liking what I see

Time skip

Hiccup sneaked his way into his house as he was in his bedroom as he deactivated his suit as it went back to normal as he just slept in bed hoping to get a few Z's before the field trip tomorrow but he then heard a door being opened as he looked at the door and saw Astrid with her purse "hey sorry didnt mean to wake you up" Astrid said as she had some papers with her as Hiccup sat up wearing a shirt underneath he had a bunch of scars and bruses but thanks to Shuris technology he managed to hide the scars from Astrid

"Sorry picked up your mail on the way here" Astrid said as she sat next to Hiccup as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead "hey a message from the school" Hiccup said as he picked up the note

:dear all of Berk high students tomorrow were gonna be having a field trip towords Japan so get ready for a field trip bus will be passing by at 7:30

The note said as Astrid looked at Hiccup "Japan isnt that one of your top places to visit" Hiccup said as Astrid smiled "yeah surprised you remember" Astrid said as Hiccup embraced her into a hug "ofcourse I remembered" Hiccup said as he lifted Astrids chin and embraced her into a kiss as then Astrid began crawling on top of him as she ducked down and began kissing Hiccups neck as Hiccup just chuckled at the kisses as Hiccup wrapped his arms around Astrids waist "your such a gentleman" Astrid said as she grabbed Hiccups hands and lowered them touching her butt as Hiccup gave a firm squeeze

"And you are a naughty girl" Hiccup said as they both chuckled as Astrid stood up and began removing her shirt revealing her bra "Hiccup dont think any less of me okay ever since weve done it and it was by accident I cant get enough of you and my body keeps on craving for you" Astrid said as Hiccup smiled thinking that hes more important to Astrid then anything else in the world "dont worry babe as long as I have you by my side I dont care what happens" Hiccup said as he grabbed Astrid by the thighs as Astrid kept on rubbing her butt around Hiccup "ready for another round" Hiccup said as Astrid smiled and went low to give Hiccup a kiss

Time skip

It was early in the morning as a shirtless Hiccup and a naked Astrid were in bed as Hiccup had his arm wrapped around Astrid as he got woken up by his alarm as Hiccup turned it off and got up to go to the bathroom as Hiccup looked in the mirror and turned off his holographic self as he began looking at the new bruses and blood from his enemies

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