few weeks 15

205 4 9

Normal p.o.v

It's been days since the incident happen Ruff called the cops wanting to arrest Cami for drugging the punch and that she was an uninvited guest as the cops came and saw Camis face was all bloody as the cops began questioning the people and took a few samples at the punch and they did indeed found that the punch was spiked as they then arrested Cami as when Astrid tried to find Hiccup but what they didnt see was that Hiccup got clothed and took off running away leaving everyone as he felt disgusted after what he did even tho it wasnt his fault

As Hiccup thought Astrid might never forgive him for doing it with Camicazi

So after that it's been only a few weeks since Hiccup dissapeared he hasn't been seen in school,home,or Wakanda as Shuris been ferociously trying to find Hiccup as she couldn't even find the tracker on the suit as if it was like Hiccup has dissapeared from the face of the earth as everyone was worried about the situation even Snotlout even tho he was Hiccups partner he was also his famaly and his job as Astrids also been missing school after she told her parents what happened as they were both disgusted on what people would do just to get that one simple thing 

Also rumors been happening that more criminals are being brutally beaten nearly half to death from a few punches as doctors had to rush to the place immidiently before they die as Shuri suspected it might be Hiccup but yet the tracker didnt work as she sent T'Challa there not to fight but to atleast find clues on what's been happening but everytime he reaches his destination hes either too late or Hiccup hides his tracks very well or all the evidence is at the police station

Astrid was in her room dialing Hiccups number but didnt even answer as she decided to leave a voice mail "Hiccup it's me I'm worried I dont know where you are and if you think I'm mad at you for doing it with Cami I'm not okay they found out that the punch was spiked so please come back" Astrid said as she hanged up as that was her 67th voice mail since Hiccup dissapeared as she was really worried for Hiccup as tears slowly began falling down her eyes as her eyes were a bright shade of red as she was worry Hiccup might've done something terrible to himself

At a bar

A hooded figure with black gloves was at a bar as he had a fake ID with him as he was talking to the bar tender as it revealed a long haired Hiccup that was covering his left eye as Hiccup seemed like a depressed Emo kid "what's wrong kiddo you've been here for weeks" the bar tender said as he was a fat man but a really chill guy and African american as him and Hiccup have been getting along since Hiccup showed up at the bar as Hiccup felt like he could trust him "mark have you ever been drugged at a party and was forced to sleep with another woman while your girl was therr" Hiccup said as he saw Mark's expression

"Cant say I have kid heh if that happened to me I would've been in a bar too heheheh" mark said as Hiccup chuckled as well as he felt his phone vibrate as it said Astrid as mark saw that "is that the girl who drugged you or is that your girl,girl" Mark said as Hiccup hanged up and it said Voicemail full "my girl,girl I dont have the courage to confront her not after the incident" Hiccup said scratching the back of his head "well tell me this was it your fault that you drugged did you know that whatever you drink was drugged" Mark said as Hiccup looked up and began tapping his finger

"Snap out of it Hiccup shes your girlfriend alright if she knows it wasnt your fault dont let her go man finding someone that cares about you that loves you is the hardest thing to find in this world now a days If I tried I wouldnt be in this bar" mark said as he was playing some jazz in the background as there was a loud thud as a guy fell from a mechanical bull "your right I shouldnt thanks mark but if I cant her to see how deeply sorry I am I should do a free style song" Hiccup said as he grabbed a cup and drank the whole thing

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