Author's Note

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Hello everyone! And welcome to my new Chaennie story.

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who read my last story 'Just The Way You Are'. It was my first every story on Wattpad and you all gave such wonderful comments and feedback on it. I'm glad I was able to give you all an enjoyable story of our OTP and hope to do the same thing again.

This story is going to be combining my two favorite aspects, BlackPink and superhero's! Because... Well why not? (LOL).

This story is a Chaennie story yes, but it's also a Chaeyoung story.

This is Chaeyoung's journey into becoming a hero; we will see the highs and lows she will face while trying to balance both her personal life and hero life.

Also, it's going to be a slow build up for Chaennie's relationship across the books (Yes, I said books, hopefully). We will get to them build their relationship from becoming friends to becoming a couple.

Honestly, this was supposed to be my first Chaennie story on here before I came up with the idea for 'Just the way you are'.

With that being said, I should remind you all that this is just a story. How some characters may act in this fanfic, does not depicts how they are in real life. Again, this is just a fun story.

This story will have people taking on the mantles of hero's/ villains from Marvel, DC, and some snippets of G.I. Joe and Power Rangers (Big PR fan!). The characters that I will be using in this story are not mine, all rights go to their respective companies/ franchises.

Again, I am not making any profit or money from this story. I do not own any of the characters used and am making this story for entertainment purposes. All rights reserved to their respective companies.

Also, in this story Chaeyoung will actually be the youngest instead of Lisa. Just in case you all get confused when Chaeyoung calls Lisa Unnie. Other characters may have their ages changed as well.

This story will be taking inspiration from across all the Spider-Man films as well as all the Spider-Man games while still trying to be its own story.

Also be sure to follow this amazing cosplayer on I.G. @imspider_gwen. All spider cosplay credit goes to her.

With that being said I will do my best to post when I can and not leave you guys waiting too long in between chapters. Thanks for checking out the story and hope you all enjoy it.   

Spider-Girl In Your Area (Chaennie: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now