Ch. 5 pt. 5

494 20 41

The moon shone bright in the sky over the city of Seoul in the late hours of the night. While most people were fast asleep at this hour at night some people were still hard at work; people such as two security guards who were driving around in an armored security truck down a somewhat lit, and empty backroad near the docks.

The security truck that the guards were driving in was in route to Kim- Corp, that was carrying/ transporting several canisters of a yellowish/ orangish substance inside a biohazard container.

Regardless of the potentially dangerous materials that the two guards were transporting, it was such a quiet and rather uneventful night that they were talking amongst themselves about anything and everything to try and kill the time they had until they reached their destination.

Unbeknownst to either of them though, the same mysterious woman from before, with short black hair, who wore a silver, Kevlar infused tactical body suit with white boots was standing on top of the ledge of a nearby building; the only difference being is she was now sporting a brown trench coat, and black sunglasses.

The mysterious woman looked down to her left and saw the armored truck making its way over towards her. She tapped the side of her glasses and soon, everything became a greenish color inside her lenses as she activated the glasses' night vision setting.

As she focused her attention back towards the truck, she picked up two heat signatures coming from the front seats belonging to the security officers. What really caught the mysterious woman's attention though were the bright glowing signatures coming from the back, indicating that what she was looking for was in fact in this truck.

"The canister's containing Plutonium 238 is near; your orders Doctor?" The mysterious woman said while tapping on her earpiece.

The mysterious man from before, dressed from head to toe in all black, sat in the passenger's seat of a black SUV, that was parked, and hidden in the shadows of an alleyway, but not too far away. He lowered the passenger window and looked at the reflection in the side mirror and saw the truck making its way down the road.

"... Take it." He simply states into his left wrist communicator.

The mysterious woman couldn't contain her sinister little smirk as she lifted her right hand up and pressed a button on the little device she had in her hand.

Soon, the two security officers who were talking amongst themselves, were abruptly cut off from their conversation as they noticed all the lights that lit the backroad, they were in suddenly shut off: leaving them with the headlights as their only source of light to see in the dark.

"Is... is there a power outage?" the driver asked, visibly confused while looking up at the now darkened lamp posts.

"I'm not sure." The other officer in the passenger seat said. "Maybe we should make a call and- LOOK OUT!-"


The other officer was cut off from what he was saying as the driver immediately slammed onto the brakes once his friend shouted that, causing the armored truck to come to a complete and abrupt stop. The two security officers sat there worriedly/ anxiously as it felt as though they hit something before stopping.

The one security officer who was driving shakes his head a little to regain his focus before undoing his seatbelt and getting out to see what it was that they hit. As the officer steps out of the truck and looks in front of it, he soon has a devastated look plastered onto his face when he sees the unconscious body of someone a couple of feet away... he hit someone.

"Call an ambulance, now!" He frantically states to his friend.

The security officer in the passenger seat does what he's told and gets his cell phone from his pocket and calls for help. While he was doing that, the driver immediately rushed over to check on the person he ran in to, to see if they were okay.

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