Chapter 6 Part 1

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After hiding her teal backpack on the roof, and making her way through the ventilation shaft, Spider- Girl now found herself inside of the museum that was being robbed.

"Please don't tell me it was a false alarm." Chaeyoung says to herself as she web-zips herself from another wall to the ceiling. "Please don't tell me it was a false alarm."

Spider- Girl now found herself climbing along the ceiling, inside of the museum that was "supposedly" being robbed.

But after making her way inside, Chaeyoung had quickly web-zipped herself to various areas of the museum to see what was happening, but to her surprise (and utter confusion) she honestly didn't see anything wrong with this place.

Room, after room, display, after display; but after several minutes of aimlessly looking around however, she still didn't see anything out of the ordinary and she found nothing wrong in here... thus far anyway.

Chaeyoung heaved out a somber sigh as she stopped climbing along the ceiling, lowered herself on a web line, and lightly shook her head in disappointment as she was now hanging upside down on a strand of web from the ceiling.

Now, don't get it wrong, Chaeyoung is glad that there isn't an actual robbery being committed here and all, that's always a good thing. It's just...It was such a beautiful night out in Seoul tonight; the crescent moon illuminating high in the sky, a cool, and gentle little breeze blowing through the air.

Now, normal people would have been enjoying a night like this by either staying in with a comfy blanket and watching a movie or going to a little café by themselves or with some friends and family.

Not Chaeyoung though, especially when Spider- Girl was needed; specially to stop some dummy who had the bright idea of deciding to rob a museum of all places... If there was actually someone to stop that is!

"No one?... Seriously, no one??" Chaeyoung says to herself in disbelief. "If I ever find the person who accidentally tripped the alarm, they are going to owe me one; Like, seriously, I could have been at home, with a Disney movie playing on the TV, snuggled up in a blanky, enjoying a nice cup of hot cocoa, possibly with little marshmallows in it and-..."

Chaeyoung cut herself off and pondered for a moment as she got a bad feeling in her gut as she realized something.

'... Where were the security guards?' she thought to herself.

Even if this was an accidental alarm and there was supposedly no crime being committed, there should still be at least some trace of security guards roaming the area to see if-...

Chaeyoung was once again cut from her thoughts as something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye for a moment. She looked over to her right and soon saw a bright flash illuminating in another area of the museum.

Chaeyoung turned herself upright and web-zipped herself over towards the wall above the entryway. She quietly crawled along the wall into the museum area, up and under the second floor, jumped over the metal railing, and crouched down near a dark corner.

As she looked down between the two metal poles of the railing, did she shut her eyes tight as another bright flash illuminated the room once more followed by a loud boom. Chaeyoung cautiously opened her eyes a moment later as she looked back to see where that bright light was coming from.

To her surprise did she see not one, but two unconscious individuals on the floor with smoke coming off of their chests. Chaeyoung could see the scorch marks on their white shirts and-...

Chaeyoung cut herself off once again and paused for a moment as she noticed something odd about the two unconscious figures on the floor; Both had on matching black suits, white shirts with black ties on and on their faces, they wore-...

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