Ch. 7 Pt. 2

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"There you go." A female Kim- Corp paramedic spoke up. "That should help prevent your scrapes from getting infected."

"Thank you..." Jennie softly thanked the woman as she looked up, lightly bowed her head for a moment before lowering her head once more.

"Are you sure there's nowhere else you got hurt?" Mama Kim asks worriedly while sitting next to her daughter.

Jennie lightly shakes her head while keeping her gaze down to her now bandaged hands in her lap. Mama Kim sees the distraught demeanor her daughter has and couldn't help but let out a small somber sigh as she readjusts the blanket around her daughters' shoulders.

"Thank you again for all your help." Mama Kim says as she looks back towards the paramedic. "You can go help the others and tend to those that need medical aid."

The female paramedic nodded in understanding and grabbed her medical bag off the bumper of the ambulance that Jennie and Mama Kim were sitting on and walked away to go help other injured people.

Once she was gone, Mama Kim looked back next to her to see her daughter still somberly gazing down towards her bandaged hands that she was now fiddling with in her lap.

"Are you sure you're, okay?" Mama Kim asks with concern in her voice.

"Yeah... I'll be ok..." Jennie silently replies.

Mama Kim lightly nods as she lowers her head down as well. Jennie looked to her left, towards her mother a moment later when she hadn't said anything back yet, and soon saw her mother with pursed lips and glossy eyes with tears threatening to spill out.

"Are you okay though mom?" Jennie asks with concern in her voice.

"... No." Mama Kim softly replies, sadness evident in her voice. "From this vicious... senseless attack... to innocent people, who did nothing wrong, getting hurt, to you almost-..."

Mama Kim cut herself off and shut her eyes tight to try and keep the rest of her tears from spilling out, that are already sliding down her cheeks. Seeing her mother like this broke Jennie's heart as she felt her own eyes becoming glossy with tears threatening to spill out as well.

"I know... you're still shaken up from everything that has happened." Mama Kim speaks up while looking at her daughter once more. "But after seeing you almost-... the thought of something happening to you a-and not being able to do anything when you needed help the most, I-I- just..."

Mama Kim cut herself off and shut her eyes tight once more for a moment before quickly wrapping her arms around her daughter and bringing her into an immediate embrace.

"I was so scared of what was going to happen to you." Mama Kim says while a little choked up. "And I am so grateful that you're still alive and well sweetheart."

Hearing the brokenness and sincerity of her mother's words caused the tears in Jennie's eyes to finally spill out as she tightly embraced her mother back.

"I'm ok." Jennie quietly replies into her mother's shoulder while still in her embrace.

They hold each other tightly, desperately, but comfortingly for a moment before parting back a bit. Jennie notices the tear stains on her mother's cheek and uses a corner of the blanket she has as a handkerchief to wipe away her mother's tears causing a small smile to appear on Mama Kim's face for the first time after everything that's transpired today involving the Demon's.

"I-is..." Jennie timidly speaks up as she wipes her own tears away as well. "Is dad, okay? Had you heard anything about him yet?"

"Yes, your father is okay." Mama Kim replies. "Thankfully, his security detail was able to get him to safety quickly; he's at the office now."

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