Ch. 2 Pt. 2

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As she laid down in bed, Chaeyoung gingerly shook her head and slightly winced in discomfort as she felt a tremble shake through her whole-body. As her breathing continued to become heavier, images of a spider began to flash through her mind as she continued to shake her head.

But it wasn't just a spider she saw though; other images began to quickly flash through her mind as well. Flashes of someone swinging through a city, jumping from building to building, saving someone from being hurt, protecting others when they were in danger.

The next thing she knew, Chaeyoung found herself walking through an open, foggy area. Confusion was visible on her face, because she didn't know where she was or how she got here to begin with; there was just nothing here.

Just an open, white, foggy space.

As she was looking around the foggy area, she noticed the silhouette of someone with a gray aura surrounding them.

"E-excuse me?" She timidly spoke up. "D-do you know where we..."

Chaeyoung didn't get to finish her question as the figure slowly turned around. Her eyes widen in fear, as the figure's eyes glowed a bright red and they suddenly began to charge towards her.

As she turned to run away, she stopped as someone else dropped down in front of her. It was a man with a bright red aura surrounding them. Startled for a moment, Chaeyoung was about to turn and go the other way until she noticed that the man had motioned for her to step aside.

She does as she's instructed and the individual throws something towards her attacker. Chaeyoung was able to catch a glimpse of the object as it slowed down while passing her. The object they threw, it was a... cross? No... an X.

Chaeyoung tilted her head confusingly though, as the object the person threw, started to turn into... something else.

'Is that a... bat?' she thought to herself as the object slowly turned into the insignia of the animal.

The bat like object quickly picked up speed again, hitting her would be attacker, square in the head, causing them to disappear. Surprised for a moment, Chaeyoung turned to the person that saved her, wanting to thank them and ask what was happening but didn't get the chance to.

Suddenly, four other individuals', with bright pink auras appeared out of nowhere and stood side by side with the one who saved her. Judging by their silhouettes, Chaeyoung could make out that there were two men and two women. What was strange to her though was that they looked like they were getting ready to fight.

Her? No... something else.

Chaeyoung looked behind her and saw numerous individuals, with black and white auras surrounding them; the only difference now is some of these people (If you can even call them people) wore demonic looking masks, while the others had big gray lenses on their masks.

The next thing she knew, they were all charging towards one another, ready to fight; with Chaeyoung caught in the crossfire. She anxiously tried to get away from the conflict but found it rather difficult with everyone fighting around her.

As the fighting raged on, Chaeyoung couldn't help but noticed that the one's with bright pink auras were trying to protect her from any, and all of these demonic looking... things.

One of the men struck down two of those demonic things with a sword, while one of the girls used dual stick type weapons to knock them down as well. The other man wielded dual pistols and had fired one of them into the abdomen of one of her attacks, after grabbing a hold of them. And finally, the second girl leaped through the air, fired a strand of something from her wrists, attaching it to the back of one of the attackers, launching them into the air, and slamming them back to the ground as she landed.

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