Ch. 2 Pt. 3

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The sky was a clear, the weather beautiful, and students were happily walking amongst themselves on the way to school. All and all, a good morning for everyone to say the least. Well, all except for one girl that is. Lost in thought, Chaeyoung was warily walking through the courtyard, on her way to school as she thought back to the weird morning she has had.


You know, most teens already have trouble wanting to get out of bed early in the morning, but for Chaeyoung, she had difficulty just getting out of the house in general.

First when she woke up, she attempted to throw her blanket off and tried to walk away from the bed, but noticed her hand was sticking to the blanket. When she tried shaking it off and was tossing her blanket around, she accidentally knocked some books and other stuff around her room onto the ground.

Then when she walked over to her closet to get some clothes for school today, she slid open the door ever so softly as she normally does, and her eyes tightly shut when she heard a loud crack. She cautiously popped her head inside, looked over and her eyes widened in shock when she realized she had slid her door into the wall, creating a massive dent.

And when Chaeyoung was attempting to get a glass of water, she ended up breaking three different glasses because she had squeezed them a little too hard (Even though she barely held them). Yeah, she was glad her parents didn't wake up to the sound of glass breaking and definitely cleaned that up before either of them woke up.

And finally, while on the way to school, Chaeyoung couldn't help but have this weird tingly sensation going off in her head, every so often. When she got it, it was usually before something bad happened around her like a person slipping next to her, or someone riding a bike and them almost getting hit by a car.

The only time she did act on that sensation was when she moved a construction worker out of the way before a metal beam had landed on him; he was very grateful to her for saving his life.


Chaeyoung honestly couldn't believe any of this was happening to her. Of all the things she thought would happen in her life, getting bitten by a radioactive spider was definitely not one of them. She looks down at her hand and examines the bite mark once more, while the other hand lightly traces over it.

She slightly frowns a bit because she doesn't know what to do now. Should she tell her family? Her friends? Got to Kim- Corp and tell them she was bitten only to then have them perform experiments on her, or dissect her like in those horror science documentary movies?

... Okay the last one was a little exaggerated but not completely out of the realm of possibilities. She stops walking and sighs because she just doesn't know what to do now.

"Rosie!" a girl called out.

Chaeyoung looked up and her mood immediately perked up as she saw Jennie wave and was quickly making her way towards her.

"Hi Jennie, how ar-"

Chaeyoung was cut off and left a little surprised as Jennie came over, wrapped her arms around her neck and gave her a big hug.

"You're okay." Jennie quietly said while giving her a hug.

The concern and adoration in Jennie's voice put a small smile on Chaeyoung's face as she wrapped her arms around the smaller girl and returned the hug.

"I'm okay." Chaeyoung quietly replied back. "Sorry for making you worried."

"Again, with the sorrys? Pabu, like I said before, what's important is that you're okay."

Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile a little more and tightened her embrace a little. After a moment in each other's arms, they knew they needed to end the hug eventually so they both pulled away at the same time.

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