Ch. 5 pt. 4

509 26 37

Clear skies and beautiful weather made for a wonderful day out in Seoul. People were out and about enjoying the day while going in and out of and purchasing from various stores/ shops. One couple walks out of a store with a few shopping bags in hand and as the door closes, the man reaches for and grabs his girlfriend's hand, and they walk hand in hand along the sidewalk.

As they continued walking, they walk past the store they were in where two women, in their late thirties, were talking outside in front of the store window together. Judging by the bags in their hands, they had just shopped in there as well; but it wasn't just them though.

As the two women were talking amongst themselves, a little girl around the age of 6, was next to them while playing with a medium sized bouncy ball, by bouncing it against the wall of the store.

"Seo- ah." One of the women spoke up while looking at the little girl. "Please be careful, you don't want to hit and break the window."

"Okay mom." The little girl says while still playing.

The woman turns back to her friend, and they continue on with their conversation. The little girl on the other hand, while taking her mother's advice, does still throw her ball against the wall of the store.

The little girl threw it once more a little harder and instead of hitting the flat surface, the ball bounced off the windowsill, and launched over the girls' head and bounced away from her. The little girl quickly went as fast as she could after her ball and eventually caught up with and picked it back up.

A man driving around in his taxicab, who was currently enjoying the music he was listening to on his phone, turned the wheel as he turned down another street. The man took his eyes off the road for a moment to change/ find another song to listen to while continuing to drive down the street he was on.

"Smooth like butter, Like a criminal undercover." The man happily sings off key.

"Where's Seo- ah?" The other woman asked.

The mother and her friend looked over and didn't see the little girl anywhere nearby.

"Seo- ah?" The mother called out with concern in her voice. "Where could she have gone off t-"

"Oh My God!" The other woman frighteningly said, cutting her friend off when she looked out into the street.

She quickly tapped her friend's/ the mother's shoulder, and she motioned her towards the road. The mother saw the look of panic on her friend's face, quickly looked over and had the same panicked look on her face as well.

"SEO- AH!" The mother frightfully called out.

The little girl, who was holding her bouncy ball in the middle of the road, looked over when her mother called out. She looked back to her just for a second though, as something else had caught her attention as she noticed something coming towards her.

"A sidestep, right- left, to my beat." The man continues singing to himself in his taxicab without looking back at the road.

"SEO- AH!!" The mother shouted in a panic seeing what was about to happen.

She tried to quickly run out to her daughter, but her friend quickly stopped her from crossing the road as another car had quickly driven right in front of and past them.

"Get it, Let it Ro- OH MY GOD!" The man frightfully shouted.

The man quickly slammed onto the break peddle the moment he looked over and saw the little girl in the middle of the road, hoping to break in time.

Like a deer caught in headlights, the little girl stood frozen in fear as the car was getting closer and closer to her. The two women stood petrified at what was about to happen; even the man knew he wasn't going to stop in time and had shut his eyes as he couldn't bear to see what was about to happen.

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