Ch. 4 pt. 5

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The sound of footsteps could still be heard hitting the pavement as Jennie and Chaeyoung kept running along the sidewalk with Jennie still holding onto and leading Chaeyoung by the wrist.

"J-Jennie, Jennie." Chaeyoung speaks up while stuttering. "C-can you- can you hold on for- can you wait, please." she asks while lightly tugging Jennie back, stopping them in their tracks.

"Yeah?" Jennie said while looking back at the girl while breathing a little heavy.

"What is going on?" Chaeyoung asks confusingly while slinging her backpack over her shoulder again. "I thought you had something important to go do."

"I do." Jennie states. "And I am."

"Huh?" Chaeyoung asked sounding even more confused.

Jennie sees how confused she is and heaves out a somber sigh while letting go of her wrist, realizing she deserves at least somewhat of an explanation.

"I was supposed to have another lecture session this morning, with one of my father's instructors." Jennie admits.

"You were?" Chaeyoung asks as Jennie nodded. "And you skipped it?" she asks and Jennie nods once more. "Why would you-"

"It's like I said before." Jennie speaks up cutting Chaeyoung off. "It wasn't that hard to figure out you weren't doing okay today; you're still not."

"I know, but... had I known you had something important like that to go to I would've never said anything before; I'm so sorry Jennie."

"Sorry for what?" Jennie asks sounding confused. "It's not like you forced me to skip class or something like that, I made that decision on my own."

"I know but-"

"But nothing." Jennie said cutting Chaeyoung off once more. "I'm the one who chose to skip class today, not you, me, it was my decision, and I would make that same decision again because you are my friend, and you are hurting."

Chaeyoung stood there stunned, taken aback by Jennie's words.

"... And I don't want you to be alone anymore." Jennie honestly admits.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile a little as she pursed her lips a bit and looked down to hide her slightly blushing cheeks. Jennie looked over the girl's shoulder and saw a familiar black SUV turn the corner and was heading in their direction.

"Listen Rosie, whatever I had planned today, whatever I had going on doesn't really concern or matter to me right now; the only thing I'm concerned and care about right now is you and how you're feeling." Jennie states.

Chaeyoung slowly looks back up at the girl while still shyly pursing her lips together.

"You are my soul priority right now, more importantly, you're my best friend." Jennie says with a small smile. "And I'm not leaving you alone."

Chaeyoung couldn't help but look back down again to hide her blushing cheeks once more.

"And you know what, I'm pretty much already in trouble anyway and figure why not go all the way." Jennie states causing her and Chaeyoung to lightly giggle. "What do you say Rosie, want to play hooky with me?"

Chaeyoung looks away and pauses for a moment, giving it some thought, before looking back at the girl and slowly nodding her head. Once Jennie sees this, she grabs Chaeyoung by the hand and they head to the bus stop that was next to them, got onto the bus and headed to... well, wherever they decide to go first on their day together.

"Where are we going?" Chaeyoung asks while looking at the girl next to her.

"I have a place in mind." Jennie simply states as the bus starts driving off.

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