Ch.1 Part 4

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As the oven was finally at the right temperature, the oven door was popped open and Chaeyoung had placed another tray of cookies inside to bake. Yes, Chaeyoung was currently in the kitchen baking another batch of cookies, but she wasn't baking in her own family kitchen; she was instead in the F.E.A.S.T shelters kitchen baking them.

F.E.A.S.T was hosting a big dinner for all the workers and people staying there, to celebrate monumental accomplishments. Not only, were they celebrating the fact that the number of homeless people on the streets had decreased exponentially, but also celebrating the fact that a lot of people and families staying there, were making ways to leave the shelter after being there for so long.

It did put a smile on Chaeyoung's face, knowing that a lot of good people there were finally bouncing back on their feet after being homeless for so long and are ready to make their way back to a somewhat normal life for themselves and their families.

One of the many reasons why Chaeyoung and her family fell in love with F.E.A.S.T so much, was that it is a safe and helpful place for those who didn't have a roof over their head or bed to sleep in at night. A place where you can have a warm meal and not have to worry if you were gonna eat at all.

This place, and the people working here, were nothing but welcoming to those who needed help the most, regardless of who they were or the situation they were in. If you needed help, F.E.A.S.T would always be there to help get you back on your feet.

Speaking of Chaeyoung's family by the way, they were currently busy helping around here and helping around there, basically anywhere and everywhere they could help around the shelter before tonight's festivities went underway.

Her mom and sister had been going around and checking on the residents staying there, making sure they were taken care of or if they needed anything while also helping with putting up some decorations for tonight.

Her father on the other hand had been tasked with helping assemble some of the new bunkbeds that were brought in while also helping fix some appliances that needed a little work; appliances such as working on one of the TV's there or working on adjusting some water pipes.

Chaeyoung meanwhile was tasked with helping prepare some dessert that everyone would have after dinner. Which explains why she has her brown hair in a ponytail, to help avoid getting any flour in her hair. As opposed to the flour she had already gotten on her face... and clothes...

Okay, so she was a little messy at the moment, but it would be all worth it for her knowing that everyone will have some warm, fresh, home baked cookies; who doesn't love cookies?

After closing the oven door and heaving out a tired sigh, Chaeyoung readjusted her new glasses with one hand while the other reached for her phone in her pocket and was about to set a timer, so she'll know when the last of her cookies were done.

"Hello? Excuse me?" a female voice spoke up.

Chaeyoung looked up from her phone as a woman called for her from behind the kitchen counter.

"Hello, Mrs., can I help you?" Chaeyoung asked while walking towards the counter.

"Yes, I would like to make a donation to your shelter if that is, okay?"

"Oh, of course, that's okay. I mean, it's not really mine and I'm not the one who really deals with the money here, but I can make sure my mom gets it. She works here." Chaeyoung clarifies.

"Thank you dear." The woman smiled and pulled something from her purse. "Are checks, ok?" the woman asks while handing over a check.

"Of course, ma'am, checks are fi...." Chaeyoung's words died down and was left speechless when she saw the amount on the check.

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