Ch.1 part 3

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Chaeyoung let one of the doors close behind her as she walked out of the cafeteria. She was walking down the hallway with her arms crossed across her chest, as if lightly hugging herself, while keeping her head down.

'Please... not here... not at school. Please not here at school.' Chaeyoung thought to herself as she felt her eyes getting watery and her bottom lip began to quiver.

She let out a shaky breath, trying her best to calm down and not let her emotions come out, while her brown hair acted as a curtain to hide herself from other students passing her by. Sure, she knew they didn't really notice her anyways, but she really didn't want them to notice her if she broke down in the middle of the hall.

Chaeyoung desperately wanted to be back in her own room, where she can be by herself and just let it all out, but she knows she can't ditch school. She doesn't know where she is walking to, either to her own little corner in the library or the girl's restroom; just someplace quiet where she can be alone and just be........alone.

Chaeyoung stopped walking for a moment and let that word linger in her head a bit. That one little word that Chanyeol used to describe how she will end up.

'You think you'll find someone here to be with? It will be waste to see a pretty girl be alone.'

Chaeyoung did her best to fight back the tears as she thought back to what Chanyeol said about her. She soon felt a tear quickly run down her right cheek and used the sleeve of her uniform to wipe it away before crossing her arms and hugging herself again.

"Chaeyoung, wait!"

Chaeyoung shut her eyes and lightly stomped her foot when she heard her name be called out. She knew whose voice it was... it was Jennie's. Any other time she would be happy to see the girl, but she didn't want Jennie to see her like this... not like this.

Jennie quickly caught up with Chaeyoung and now stood in front of her. Chaeyoung ducked her head again and let her hair hide her face so Jennie wouldn't see her. She could hear Jennie breathing heavy though, as if she ran from the cafeteria to catch up with her.

"Are you okay?" Jennie asked while still trying to catch her breath.

Chaeyoung nodded slightly without saying anything or looking up.

"Are you sure?" Jennie asked feeling concerned when she didn't get vocal answer.

Chaeyoung nodded once again without saying anything or looking up.

"Look Chaeyoung, don't believe anything of what Chanyeol said just now. He's an idiot and a jerk who has absolutely no right to treat or speak to you like that. You shouldn't let-"

Jennie didn't get to finish what she had to say when she noticed something. She slowly reached out to move Chaeyoung's hair away from her face and her heart ached. Jennie noticed Chaeyoung's glossy eyes and the tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Oh... Oh not here..." Jennie quietly sated. She quickly looked around them before seeing a spot where they could go. "Follow me."

Jennie quickly guided Chaeyoung by the wrist and led her through another set of already opened, double doors, that lead to a flight of stairs. Instead of sitting on the stairs, Jennie led them to a small corner against the wall. She slid down to the floor first, before guiding Chaeyoung to join her on the ground.

Chaeyoung was left stunned for a moment when she soon felt Jennie bring her closer to her and wrapped her arms around her.

"It's okay Chayeoung, you can let it out now. It's okay." Jennie quietly reassured her as she slowly began to rub the girls back with one hand, while the other gently caressed her brown hair.

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