Ch.4 pt. 4

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Chaeyoung slowly opened her eyes as the sunlight crept through her window. She looked around her room a bit as it was now filling up with the rays of the morning sun. She soon, removed the covers over her body and sat on the edge of her bed and stared blankly at the floor before rubbing both her tired eyes to help wake herself up.

Chaeyoung soon raised both her arms in the air as she stretched after getting a decent night of sleep... it's been a while since she had one of those.

She soon looked over at her alarm clock and saw the time displayed on it; 8:30 am; she also realized that it was Saturday.

Yeah, it was the weekend already and some time has passed since the last time anything troublesome, or distressing had happened in Chaeyoung's life when it wasn't going so well. Some time has passed since she and Jennie had their talk in the library, her emotional confrontation with Tzuyu, as well as making up with Lisa in the nurse's office.

... Some time has passed since she last went out searching for the man who took her mother from her...

Chaeyoung heaved out a sigh before slipping on her slippers and getting up to freshen up. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, took a quick shower, put her hair into a French braid, and changed into some fresh clothes for the day.

After she was done, she headed downstairs to work on making some breakfast and would-

Chaeyoung was cut from her thoughts as she noticed something out of the corner of her eye, in the living room. She slightly tilted her head in confusion as she walked into their living area. To her surprise she saw her father, laying partially on the couch with his feet still touching the floor.

Chaeyoung walked over and knelt down beside him to make sure he was okay. She soon breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful, that he was just fast asleep. Her moment of relief was cut short though as she wondered why he was sleeping down here on the couch to begin with.

Chaeyoung soon looked behind her and saw files and papers scattered across their coffee table. As her eyes looked on at the scattered mess, Chaeyoung's eyes fell on one specific paper with a logo on it; the logo of the black dragon tattoo, that belongs to the man she had been chasing... she and her father have been chasing...

She stares sorrowfully at the logo for a moment before looking back at her father. It was then did she get a good look at her father and noticed the bags under his eyes have darkened and that his facial hair had grown some more.

It was then she realized that her father must've stayed up late again, trying to find the man who did this before exhaustion seeped in and he fell asleep. Chaeyoung continued to stare sorrowfully as she was saddened to see her father in this state.

Chaeyoung soon lifted her father's legs onto the couch comfortably, before standing up, reaching over, and placing a throw blanket over him. After making sure her father was comfortable, Chaeyoung soon made her way into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast; not for her though.

She just made a simple breakfast meal, Gyeran Bap; two fried eggs, stirred onto steamed white rice with some roasted seaweed. After some time, preparing the meal, Chaeyoung placed the bowl of food into the microwave before grabbing a pen and notepad to write a little note.

She soon walks back over to the living room and places the folded note onto one of the folders for her father to see when he wakes up. Chaeyoung looks over at her father once more and sees he's still fast asleep. She couldn't help but smile a little seeing him finally get some time to rest before leaning down to give him a kiss on the side of his head, before walking back out of the living room.

Chaeyoung walks back over by the stairs and leans her back against the wall, as her smile falters. She heaves out a saddened sigh and soon feels her heart ache a bit; not because her father had been tirelessly working on trying to catch her mother's murderer, or because he fell asleep down here on the couch, but because of how neglectful she had been to her family.

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