Ch. 2 Pt. 5

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After drying off from her impromptu swimming session in the river, Chaeyoung decided to call it a day for testing out her new powers and head back home. But before she did, she was feeling a little hungry and decided to make a quick stop and get a little snack.

She walked out of a small market, with a small plastic bag in one hand and was happily munching on a Korean beef skewer in the other. She walked down an all too familiar street and as she finished her skewer, she took a right turn and walked into an alley to toss the stick into the trash.

After throwing her trash away, she paused for a moment before looking down to her right and seeing a small brown/ white dog looking back at her. She smiled down at the little dog while the dog lightly began to wag its tail.

Chaeyoung pretended to look away and tap her index finger on her chin, pretending to think before looking back and seeing the dog wag its tail a little more. She looked at the dog with such adoration and decided to stop teasing the poor dog.

"Alright, Alright." She says jokingly to the dog and goes through the plastic bag.

She pulls out and opens a bag of dog treats and tosses one to the dog to which they catch and eat it.

"Look what else I got." She says and goes through the bag once more. "It's a new... dog toy!" She says enthusiastically as she pulls out the dog toy.

It was just a regular looking ball, but the dog's tail began to wag more and more excitedly at the sight of his new toy.

"Ready? Ready?" Chaeyoung asked as she moved the ball in different direction, having the dog follow wherever the ball went. "Go get it Hank." She says and tosses it down the alley.

Hank immediately takes off after his new dog toy and Chaeyoung smiles amusingly seeing how happy Hank was. She then walked over to an old, rundown shed that was near the trash.

"Knock, Knock" she says enthusiastically as she knocked on the door.

Chaeyoung then steps aside from the door and a moment later it flew right open and quickly walks out a stubby, elderly man in his early fifties no less with a little bit of hair still on the side of his head and some scruff for a little beard and had on some old worn-out clothes and glasses.

"I swear officer I was just looking inside." The man says with his arms up.

He tilts his head confusingly when he doesn't see anyone. He looks around for a second until turning around and sees Chaeyoung waving back amusingly at him.

"Oh, Chaeyoung-ah!" he smiles enthusiastically when he sees the girl. "Am I glad to see you."

"Nice to see you again as well Kim Sang-ho." She lightly bows to the elderly man. "Here you go." She says as she hands him the plastic bag.

"Chicken and beef skewers." Kim Sang-ho say excitedly when he looks in the bag.

"And this too." She then goes through her bag and hands him two bottled waters she just bought from the market. "One for you and one for Hank's dog bowl."

"You are too good for this world Chaeyoung-ah." he says in awe at the surprised gifts.

She giggles at the compliment and looks back down to see that Hank already came back with the toy still in his mouth and is eagerly jumping up and down, asking her to pick him up. She goes down and scoops the dog in her arms and begins cradle him a bit.

"Hey so what happened to you two?" Chaeyoung asks. "We didn't see either of you at the F.E.A.S.T dinner last week."

"Ah, well you see, Hank and I met this really nice lady the other day, who has a little food stand nearby. She was really nice and gracious enough to invite us to have a meal there." He sheepishly replied.

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