Ch.1 Pt 5

807 44 13

"Ahh, Nooooooo!" Jennie cried out in surprise. "Emergency, Emergency!".

Chaeyoung had just taken out her new batch of cookies out of the oven as Jennie called out. She looked over her shoulder and saw a panic looking Jennie cradling an already cracked egg in her hands with some yolk dripping down her wrist.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked with some concern in her voice as she rushed right over to Jennie's side after setting the hot tray down on the oven.

"What? Yeah, no I'm fine. But I got some eggshells in with the egg whites." Jennie pointed out while looking down.

Chaeyoung looked down as well and did in fact see a few tiny pieces of eggshells in the bowl containing the egg whites.

"Oh, my God, didn't your chef teach you how to crack an egg?" Lisa asked while laughing.

"He did, I just accidentally got them in there." Jennie stated defending herself.

"He'd be so disappointed right now; Gordon Ramsey would be disappointed in you right now. I can call you Jennie Ramsey no more." Jisoo chuckled while filing up a piping bag.

Jennie lightly whined while pouting and Chaeyoung couldn't help but melt at the site of it. How can anyone look that adorable while being teased?

With a small smile on her face, Chaeyoung removed the oven mitts on her hands, grabbed a fork and helped scoop all the eggshells out of the bowl, tossing them, along with the cracked egg Jennie was holding, into the little trash bin between them.

It's been a while now since the four girls started working in the kitchen. As soon as Lisa and Jisoo returned from picking up more ingredients from the grocery store, they immediately got to work baking in order to finish both desserts on time. Chaeyoung had worked on remaking the batch of cookies she had burnt while Jennie and the others were getting the Macaroons ready for the oven.

Lisa was continuing to divide the new Meringue they just made by mixing it with some already sifted almond powder while Jisoo sat next to her and was filling up piping bags with a chocolate looking cream. Jennie was across the table from them and had just finished separating more of the egg whites from the egg yolks before she called out for help.

"Thanks Rosie I really needed that."

"No problem, Jennie."

"You know what, here, you can make the Meringue this time if you want Chaeyoung." Jennie states while handing the mixer to her.

"Me?" You want me to?" Chaeyoung looks a little surprised while pointing to herself.

Jennie nods amusingly while smiling.

"I didn't know you'd give me this responsibility. Can I, do it?" She states, slightly doubting her capabilities, while grabbing hold of the device.

"Yes, you can." Jennie rebuttals amusingly. "Don't worry I'll be right here helping you."

Chaeyoung feels her heart skip a beat as she feels Jennie hold her free hand for a second before guiding it to the bowl and having her hold it at a tilted angle.

"You're first going to hold the bowl like this when you start blending okay?" Chaeyoung lightly nods as Jennie instructs. "And while you're doing that, I'll add a bit of the colored sugar into the mix while you blend, okay?"


Following exactly what Jennie told her, Chaeyoung began mixing. And just as Jennie said she would do, she helped Chaeyoung make the Meringue by adding in the colored sugar every so often between blends.

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