Chapter 4 Part 1

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After taking a shower and changing into her pajama's, Jennie was in her room, sitting in the chair by her desk, still working on an assignment her father's tutor had given her earlier. She stops writing for a second and looks to her left and sees the three other folders that had assignments in them as well.

She lets out a somber sigh staring at the stack of folders that her instructor wants done by Monday and-...

Jennie pauses for a moment and looks over her shoulder to make sure her door was properly closed before looking back at the folder in front of her. She begins to flip through the pages until she reaches the end towards a spare piece of paper she had and smiled a little. On the spare sheet of paper was another one of her designs for a new dress she came up with earlier today, during one of her lectures.

As Jennie picks up one of her color pencils she has next to her, she begins to add some color and more detail to her design as she tried to remember the type of floral pattern she saw on a woman's blouse that she saw walking on the sidewalk earlier today as her eyes had gazed out the window.

Throughout the day, whenever her tutor's back was turned to her, Jennie would take the opportunity to work on her design whenever inspiration struck. She knows she should've been paying more attention to her father's tutor but, how could she when she really wasn't interested in the topic she was learning or didn't want to be there in the first place.

She wished she could've been anywhere but there, like Lisa's house, being with her friends, being there for someone that needed her... for Chaeyoung...

Jennie stills her color pencil and stops drawing for a moment as she thinks about the girl. She looks over to the dresser next to her bed and sees her phone resting there. Jennie heaves out a small sigh when she realizes she hasn't gotten any new notification yet and hasn't heard anything back yet...

Jennie felt a slight ache in her chest thinking about Chaeyoung; She wished nothing more than to have stayed there and be there for her during this time but, she knew she had to be at that class... for her father's sake... and she just-

*Knock* *Knock*

"Jennie? Can I come in?" Mama Kim asks.

"J-just a sec, mom." Jennie stutters

Startled by the sudden knock and her mom's voice, Jennie dropped her color pencil and quickly flipped back towards the page she was working on previously, before grabbing a regular pencil, turning around in her chair in time to see her door open up to reveal her mother pop her head in.

"Hi honey, just checking in. How are you doing?" Mama Kim asks.

"I'm okay, just... working." Jennie sheepishly replies.

"Well, don't stay up too late, okay? You need your rest." Mama Kim states.

"I won't." Jennie replies with a small smile.

"Good... Any update on your friend Chaeyoung?" Mama Kim asks with concern in her voice as she walks over towards her.

Jennie's smile falters slightly while she lightly shakes her head.

"I really am sorry that your father scheduled for you to have another session when you needed to be there for your friend... have you explained to her what happened?"

"Lisa told her for me, and I messaged her about it." Jennie states. "And I tried to call and check on her earlier... and called... and called... and texted again... and again... and again." Jennie says a little gloomily as she looks at her folder and drops her pencil onto the desk.

Mama Kim sees her daughter's reaction and can't help but smile a little seeing how concerned Jennie has become over her new friend.

"She and her family are going through a lot right now honey. She just needs some time and space to process all of this, and she will reach out soon just... be ready to give her the support and comfort you can when she needs you, okay?"

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