Ch. 5 pt. 2

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Some time has passed since that fateful night, and it was now a nice, beautiful day out in Seoul; clear skies, and beautiful weather as Chaeyoung was currently walking back home from school as it had ended not too long ago. Now, normally after school she would take a bus to get closer to her house, but it was such a nice day out that she decided to walk instead and enjoy her time out and about. She only wished Lisa and the others were able to enjoy it as well.

Lisa would usually be walking her home by now, but she said she had to go and help out at her family's restaurant right after school which Chaeyoung understood. She would've asked both Jisoo and Jennie if they wanted to hang out or something, but they had made mention earlier how busy they both were going to be right after school.

Jennie had said she had to attend another lecture/ study session that her father had scheduled for her, and Jisoo was going to take and wait for her to be done so they can go and grab a couple of things their mom's need which Chaeyoung understood as well, which has led us to right now; Chaeyoung walking down her street, heading back home.

Chaeyoung walked up the steps of her home and got out her key to unlock the front door. After making her way back inside and locking the door, she took her shoes off and placed them on the shoe rack against the wall. After slipping on a pair of slippers, she then flipped on the nearby switch to turn on some light as it was unusually dark in her home.

Now granted it wasn't really that dark for her per say; While she was testing her new abilities after that spider had bitten her, Chaeyoung had learned that her eyes had enhanced in more ways than one.

Aside from perfect vision, she had developed a keen ability to see in complete darkness. Now granted everything looked a little greenish and just a little fuzzy but it's an ability she's still happy with.

If she wasn't so preoccupied thinking about her "night vision" or wondering why it was so dark in her home, she would've noticed several other pairs of shoes on her family's shoe rack as well. She soon walked into the living room and had tilted her head slightly in confusion as to why it was so dark in here as well.

Chaeyoung places her bag on the reclining chair and looks around confusingly. She knew her family was big on saving energy and all, but someone could've at least left the blinds of the windows opened a little and let some light shine through and-...

Chaeyoung cut herself off and tilted her head confusingly as something caught her eye as it was dangling on the wall. She walked over to turn on the other light switches to see what it was and-


*Pop* Pop*

"Oh my!-" A startled Chaeyoung yelps when she hears people shout that.

She turned around and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Jisoo, Jennie, and Lisa with big, cheerful smiles plastered on their faces as they surprised her and pulled the strings of some small, handheld confetti cannons. Chaeyoung was left stunned for a moment as she was still shocked to see that they were all here and had been hiding behind some of the furniture.

"W-what are you all doing here?" Chaeyoung asks still in shock. "I thought you all were busy today?"

"Come on Chae, you think we would leave you alone on today of all days?" Lisa asks as she and the others walk over to her.

"T-today of... all days?" Chaeyoung asks confusingly.

"Big day, special day." Jisoo chimes in.

Chaeyoung tilted her head slightly in confusion, still not understanding what they were talking about.

"Wait a minute... don't tell me you forgot about your own birthday Chaeyoung." Jennie asks in shock.

"M-my own-..." Chaeyoung trailed off and her eyes widened in surprise when she remembered what day it was today.

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