Ch. 7 Pt. 3

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The sound of a small ding could be heard as the elevator had reached ground level to a secret laboratory in an undisclosed location. Once the doors had slid open, out walked the criminal known as Shocker into the laboratory. He paused for a moment before heading towards the right, and walking on over towards a mannequin off to the side that was dressed in the new armored platted suit created for him by his boss.

Shocker stands in front of the suit for a moment before he raises both arms in front of him and carefully, removes his dual shock gauntlets, one by one, from off his forearms and begins attaching them back onto the mannequin.

"Have to admit, I was a little shocked by you today." A familiar female voice spoke up.

After finishing attaching both gauntlets onto the mannequin, Shocker heaves out an unpleasant sigh, turns around and looks behind him to see nonother than Vypra standing across from him now, still in her silver, Kevlar infused tactical body suit.

"No pun intended of course." Vypra states with a small but arrogant smirk.

"Anyone ever tell you lurking around and sneaking up on someone is a good way to get shot?" Shocker tediously asks causing Vypra's smirk to amusingly grow as she chuckles. "And what are you going on about?"

"Nothing really, just, honestly surprised by you is all." Vypra says. "Never thought I'd see the day that someone as cruel and tenacious as you, would be so okay with other people coming in to come help pick up their slack is all." She states.

"First and foremost, I don't slack, ever." Shocker strictly states. "Second of all, I'm perfectly capable of handling my business, own my own, plain and simple."

"Could have fooled me." Vypra amusingly states with a slight scoff. "Unless... you're losing your touch that is."

"I'm not losing anything." Shocker states.

"Really?" Vypra sarcastically asks. "A bit out of character of you don't you think, to let a target slip through your fingers, let alone two." She says as she begins to walk on over towards him. "I mean, Spider- Girl I could understand, pesky little bug, but letting both Spider- Girl AND Red X of all people, slip through your fingers, really?"

An irritated Shocker angrily balls up both his fists as he stands there glaring towards the woman through his mask, as she walks over and is now standing in front of him.

"And now you're ok with someone else getting rid of them?" Vypra asks honestly surprised.

"I didn't let anyone slip through my fingers, understand." Shocker strictly states while pointing towards her. "I'm just doing what the Doctor ordered me to do, help track down the Demon's for his plan, plain and simple."

"And why else do you think he had you go looking for the Demon's?" Vypra asks. "It's because you're seen as a failure to him now."

"He doesn't see me as a failure." Shocker sternly states.

"Really?" Vypra mockingly asks as she steps closer to him. "That night at the museum, what was supposed to be a simple little job, turned into a complete train wreck; not only did your first encounter with both Spider- Girl and the Demon's go completely sideways, but because of your inability to keep your emotions in check when Red X showed up, you ended up blowing a giant hole through the building, jeopardizing all the secrecy of our existence to the public eye."

Shocker continues to glare at the woman for a moment before tentatively looking away a bit.

"You've failed him one too many times as of late." Vypra states. "Over the past several days now, you were given your orders, and you've been falling short of what's been asked of you every single time."

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