Ch. 6 pt. 2

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A small ding could be heard as an elevator had reached down to ground level. The elevator opens up and it soon reveals to have the criminal known as Shocker inside it. Shocker walks out of the elevator and into a secret laboratory in an undisclosed location.

A loud clanking noise could be heard landing on top of a metal table as an angered Shocker tossed both his shock gauntlets, that still had small smoke coming off of them, onto the table.

He hastily paces back and forth for a moment before angrily kicking and breaking some nearby lab equipment near the table, sending them crashing onto the floor.

"Rough night?" a female voice called out.

While still heavily breathing out of frustration under his mask, Shocker soon looks behind him and sees a familiar woman amusingly sitting across from him while sharpening the blade on one of her Sai's.

"Just a slight hiccup." He states while avoiding looking at her.

"You were told to be discreet." She states as she continues sharpening her blade. "Get in, get out without a trace. And yet here you are after leaving not one, but two gaping holes through the building, literally blowing your cover and-"

"You know what." Shocker speaks up, abruptly cutting the woman off and glaring back towards her. "I don't have to hear this from you Vypra; I don't listen to you."

"But you do listen to me." A male voice spoke up.

Both Shocker and Vypra looked over towards a large chair placed in front of a large computer screen, the size of a plasma tv. In the chair, sat the same mysterious figure dressed from head to toe in all black, sitting with his left ankle crossed/ resting over his right knee, while his hands were clasped together.

"... What happened tonight, Shocker?" The mysterious male figure asked while not even making eye contact with him. "Let me guess... Red X."

"It wasn't just him; it was also the Demon's." Shocker says.

The mysterious figure slightly nods while retuning his attention back to the screen and lightly taps his thumbs together and-

"And that new hero Spider- Girl." Shocker adds.

Vypra stops sharpening her blade and looks over towards him. The mysterious male figure also stops tapping his thumbs together a moment later as he slowly looks over his shoulder, without making eye contact with him.

"Spider- Girl you say?" He asks to which Shocker nods.

"IS she a problem now Doctor?" Vypra asks as she walks over and stands next to Shocker.

"... It appears so Vypra." The mysterious male figure states as he looks back to the screen. "Both she and Red X have been thorns in our side as of late and interfering in our business."

Both Shocker and Vypra nod in agreement.

"However... it appears they've become thorns in the sides of the Demon's as well." The mysterious figure states. "Seems we can use one problem to deal with two smaller ones... Vypra."

"Yes Doctor." She says.

"Get the file ready and bring me the new tracking devices I made; will add them when I repair Shockers gauntlets."

Vypra nods and goes and does what she was instructed to do.

"What about me Doctor?" Shocker asks.

"... Go rest." The mysterious figure states. "You'll need it if you are to go head-to-head with these people again."

Shocker nods a little and turns to walk away.

"And Shocker." The mysterious male figure called out.

Shocker stops in his tracks and turns back to face the Doctor.

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