Ch. 4 pt. 2

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"AHHHHHH!" a man shouted.


The sound of a man screaming belonged to a thug with somewhat shoulder length hair, dressed in a white shirt, jeans, sunglasses, and a baseball hat, who was sent flying through the air and into the wall of another alleyway, before landing hard on the ground.

Soon Chaeyoung, dressed in her costume, stumbled next to them after being kicked in the back. She looked behind her and saw his four friends coming back to try and both stop and attack her before she could get to the man she threw into a wall.

Another man charged forward and tried to kick her left leg, but Chaeyoung leapt over them, grabbed them from behind by the jacket and chucked them towards the side of a car; leaving a dent in the car door and the window shattering, while they groan in pain.


Chaeyoung quickly looked behind her and saw both another man and woman, wielding broken, metal pipes they found on the floor and tried swinging them at her. Chaeyoung was dodging them with ease for a moment, but she was so distracted with trying to dodge these two that she didn't realize where she was backing up towards.

It wasn't till she felt a grip around her right leg did she look down and noticed she had back tracked towards the other guy she sent smashing into the car door, and they were now holding her right leg down with his body weight.

She only looked away for a moment but was soon brought back from her confused state as the stinging sensation of metal soon met her left arm. She looked back in front of her just in time to now see the three other friends, swinging broken metal pipes at her while the one on the floor, stumbles her towards the car.

Before she knew it, all four of them were ganging up on her and as much as she tried to block with her arms, the cold hard metal stung on her arms and torso. Through the chaos, through the pain, Chaeyoung opened her eyes a bit and through a small gap, she saw the man she was chasing, slowly start to get up.

She... she can't lose him... She Can't!

Chaeyoung quickly fired off her right web shooter towards one of the men on the left. To his and the other's surprise, his face was now covered with webbing. Chaeyoung used the opportunity to fire another strand of web towards the other guy on the right, towards his chest.

Before he could register what had happened, Chaeyoung tugged on the web and had slammed his head on the edge of the hood of the car. Chaeyoung soon kicked the third man straight in the gut, sending him stumbling back while hunched over in pain.

The one woman tried to punch Chaeyoung, but she ducked under, twirled around, and did a side kick once again towards the man's gut, sending him stumbling back in pain some more. Chaeyoung soon grabbed a hold of the woman from before and shoved her towards the man she kicked before firing both of her web-shooter at their feet, tugging at them, and having them crash to the floor before webbing them towards the ground.

Chaeyoung then looked over at the man she had fired some webbing at, towards his face, as he continued struggling to try and get the mysterious gunk off. Chaeyoung quickly charged him and kicked him in the torso, sending flying into a wall and crashing towards the ground, and into unconsciousness.

Chaeyoung quickly looked back over towards the car and saw the other man leaning against the hood, holding his head as it ached. Chaeyoung quickly charged towards them, jumped over and slid across the hood as she grabbed his head, slamming it against the hood of the car once again, knocking the only other person left, out.

Chaeyoung breathed a little heavily before looking over and seeing the man she was chasing had looked on at her and she could see the fear written all over his face at what he just saw. He slowly took a couple of steps back before turning around and tried to run away.

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