Ch. 3 pt. 5

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Chaeyoung slowly opened her eyes; her tired, reddened, cried out eyes once again from her slumber. Her eyes slowly roamed around the darkened room she was in and thanks to the little bit of light that was still on, she realized where she was; she was in Lisa's room.

She was sleeping in her bed with Lisa right behind her, wrapping her left arm protectively around her waist. That's when she remembered what had happened and how she got here. After her mom had-...

After the news was broken to them, Alice ran down to the main lobby of the hospital crying her eyes out with Mason following close behind to try and comfort his daughter after the loss of her mother. She stayed in her father's arms crying uncontrollably until her boyfriend had showed up moments later. She had called him and told him what had happened before coming there.

Once he was there, Alice was soon crying into his chest as he wrapped his arms protectively around her. They had stayed there for a while until they decided it would be best for them to go back to his place so she could... she just... she just needed some time...

Mason understanding this, gave his oldest daughter one last hug before they left. He headed back up to check on his other daughter, who he knows for sure was just as broken as his oldest daughter; maybe even more. Once he got back to the floor where Chaeyoung was, he soon saw some officers he worked with.

He wanted to ask them where they were with the investigation and if there was any update at all so he could go and find the person who did this but... he also wanted to desperately go and comfort his daughter. He looked back and forth between them, torn on what to do.

Lisa looked over and saw the predicament Mr. Park was in and walked over towards him, leaving Chaeyoung in Jennie and Jisoo's embrace's as she continued to cry in Jennie's shoulder. She told him that she could take Chaeyoung back to her place so she could rest.

Mason thought about it for a moment and figured it would be best for her to stay the night there as opposed to their home. He thanked her before walking over and talking to Chaeyoung.

After her father had told her about Alice leaving and suggesting for her to spend the night at Lisa's, Chaeyoung thought it probably would be best for her to stay there for the night. Before leaving with her friends, she and her father hugged once more and held each other a little longer before parting ways.

That was hours ago as Chaeyoung realized after grabbing her phone and saw it was 4:02 in the morning. She somberly sighed as this was the third time, she's woken up in the past few hours of her not being able to sleep.

She slides her screen up to look at old notifications she had from before and saw the three voicemails her mom had left for her when she tried calling her before. The feeling of regret soon returned and Chaeyoung wishes desperately that she would've just answered that first call; maybe then her mom would still be...

Chaeyoung carefully moves Lisa's arm off her waist and slowly begins to sit up. She looks down and sees that both Jisoo and Jennie were asleep on a yo (Korean floor mattress.). Jisoo was sleeping on her side as was Jennie, but she was facing her.

She had almost forgotten they were here, though she doesn't see how she could've. After making it back to Lisa's home, and being comforted by Lisa's parents, both Jisoo and Jennie were determined to stay by her side along with Lisa to make sure she was okay and be there for her when she needed them.

And they were, they really were there for her those times when she needed them the most; whether it was a shoulder to cry on, or for those first two times they comforted her when she woke up screaming and crying from those nightmares she had where she lost her mother...

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