Chapter 2 Part 1

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Chaeyoung was quickly walking down through the courtyard, heading towards the entrance to leave school. No, Chaeyoung was not leaving school early or ditching for that matter; she would never do that, unlike most people, she actually likes school.

Most people love the weekends more and see it as a time to relax, rest, and spend it by themselves, or with those they want to spend it with. Not to say that Chaeyoung doesn't love the weekends as well, she does; just as much as everyone else.

For example, she spent her Saturday with her family and friends at F.E.A.S.T; while just yesterday, she spent her Sunday night with her family having Korean BBQ as Alice's restaurant of choice for winning their family bet.

(A bet that Chaeyoung still can't believe her family even had to begin with.)

But alas, all good things must come to an end, and the weekend had come and gone, oh too quick for many people. Except for Chaeyoung, she obviously didn't seem to mind that it was a school day already. In fact, she was quite looking forward to school today; especially for today.

The reason she was making her way towards the entrance of the school, was to meet up with other groups of students who were attending the field trip today. Which is the reason why Chaeyoung had been practically giddy all morning. She had been looking forward for this trip so much. The third-year upperclassmen, (including Chaeyoung) were going on a class trip to Kim-Corp.

Chaeyoung still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that Jennie's father wor- CO Owns, one of, if not the, greatest developmental and research companies here in Seoul. She was only brought out of her thoughts as she felt her phone vibrate in her hand. She slowed down a bit to look down at the screen and saw she got a message from Lisa.

[Lili]: Chipmunk!!! Already on the bus, saving you a seat 😊.

She unlocked her phone and began typing a response back.

[Chipmunk]: Okay 😊, almost there Lili.

After sending her reply, Chaeyoung slid her phone into her bag and quickened her pace once more, so she can reach the bus on time so she can grab her seat with Lisa. As she reaches the curb side though, Chaeyoung furrows here eyebrows in confusion.

Instead of only seeing one bus, Chaeyoung notices two white busses. She looks back and forth between the two wondering which one Lisa was in. She grabbed her phone out of her bag again, so she could text Lisa which bus she was in.

"Okay everyone" a male teacher spoke up, gaining the attention of both Chaeyoung and other students coming forward. "Please continue filling up in the second bus as well. We need to leave soon if we're to make it there on time."

Chaeyoung fumbles with her phone a little as she anxiously tries to unlock it so she can message Lisa and figure out which bus she got on. But before Chaeyoung could even start typing up her reply, one of the teachers had motioned for her towards one of the busses.

"O-oh, c-can I please have a moment? I'm just trying to see which bus my friend is on. Would it be okay if I can just- aww." Chaeyoung was cut off from her question as a female teacher had just guided her towards one of the busses.

Chaeyoung entered the bus and realized she was in the newer bus as she saw only a few students had already taken their seats and were talking amongst themselves. The only one she didn't see was her best friend. She looked behind her and saw the teachers guiding other students towards the bus as well, so she couldn't walk out now.

She sadly sighed as she realized she wouldn't be sitting with Lisa on the way up there. Chaeyoung began to walk down the small isle so she could find an empty seat for herself as she realized she would more than likely be sitting alone on the way up there.

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