Ch. 6 pt. 4

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"We're here." Park Min- Young said as she puts the vehicle in park.

"Thank you, Min- Young." Mama Kim said from the back seat before turning to face her daughter next to her. "And thank you for coming to make sure I got here ok, sweetie."

"Yeah, sure, no-..." A sleepy Jennie stops mid-sentence and lets out a long, tired yawn. "Problem." She says while still yawning.

The reason why Jennie looked and sounded oh so tired was because she normally never wakes up this early; I mean, 5 in the morning? Yeah, no, she's still comfortably sound asleep by this time like any other sane person would be.

Regardless of the fact that she's in no way, shape or form a morning person at all, she still got up this early to ride along with her mom to make sure she made it to the F.E.A.S.T shelter safely.

Jennie's mom had volunteered to help out with the homeless shelters meals on wheels program to help prepare and deliver warm meals to both the homeless on the street and also to families struggling financially who signed up for the program.

Jennie thought the gesture was both kind and selfless and was proud of her mother for volunteering to help, she just didn't know it was for the breakfast meals; heck, the sun isn't even still out yet.

Mama Kim couldn't help but smile, doing her best not to laugh at how exhausted her daughter is; the poor girl was still in her pajamas and comfy purple robe for crying out loud. Her eyes did soften though as she looked at her daughter sympathetically, seeing how much her husbands' extra lectures have finally taken a toll on their daughter.

"Jennie." Mama Kim says as she reaches over and gently holds the side of her daughter's head. "Go home and rest sweetie, you're still tired."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Jennie sleepily jokes. "But in all seriousness mom, I am glad that you are doing this, it is very thoughtful of you to be volunteering and helping out as much as you have been."

"Well, I do love it here." Mama Kim says with a smile. "Plus, the people here are so welcoming and friendly."

"Yeah, they are and-"

Jennie cut herself off midsentence and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she saw something, more like someone, out her mother's window that caught her eye.

"Rosie?" Jennie said confusingly as she saw Chaeyoung as well as her family walk up and into the building. "Unnie, can you let us out now please?"

"Out? We're getting out now?" Mama Kim asks surprisingly as she tries to get her bag ready.

While also surprised for a moment, Park Min- Young unlocks both their doors and before she could undo her seatbelt to get out and open either of their doors, Jennie had already undone her seatbelt and was out the vehicle, making her way to the homeless shelter.

A moment later, Jennie breathed a sigh of relief after making her way inside the warm building after momentarily dreading being in the cold/ brisk Seoul morning air. She scanned around the small front lobby area to see if she saw any sign of the girl.

She looked around for a moment until her eyes landed over by the front reception desk and saw Chaeyoung standing there talking with her father, Alice, and another volunteer worker.

"Rosie." Jennie called out as she waved to get the girls' attention.

Chaeyoung looks up and over to see who it was that called her before her eyes widened in surprise to see that Jennie was actually there now.

"Jennie?" Chaeyoung says honestly surprised as she excuses herself and walks over towards the girl. "Is that really you?"

"You know any other Mandukie here?" Jennie jokingly asks.

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