Chapter 1 Part 1

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It was a nice and early morning out in Seoul today; a cool breeze, clear skies and students were making their way towards the campus for the start of another day of school at YG high. One of those students was a 17-year-old brunette girl named Park Chaeyoung.

While walking up to her school, textbooks securely clutched to her chest, Chaeyoung took a second to readjust her glasses and looked on as her classmates passed her by on their way to the school.

Chaeyoung saw two students about to pass her, and judging by the uniforms, they were from her year, and she offered a smile and wave towards them. Her smile faltered though when the two students didn't notice her and went towards a group of other students in the courtyard.

"Chaeyoung!" She heard her name be called out.

Chaeyoung turned around and her smile returned when she saw her bleach blond-haired best friend run up towards her and link arms with her.

"Hi Lisa, how are you today?" Rosé asked as they walked together to school.

"I'm doing alright. And you?"

"I'm good too. I can't believe after all these months, I'm still not used to seeing you with blond hair."

"Yeah, as much as I like it, I do miss my natural brown hair. Luckily, I still have two more months till it fades away."

"Well, blond or brunette, you look beautiful regardless Unnie."

"Aww, thanks Chipmunk." She smiles and brings a hand up to lightly pinch the girls' cheek.

"Why do you always have to pinch my Chipmunk cheeks Unnie?" Rosé asked with a light pout.

"Because they are just so freaking adorable!" Lisa grinned while continuing to pinch her friends' cheek.

"Yah Lalisa" Chaeyoung playfully whined while shaking her head to avoid her friends' pinches.

Both girls were so distracted laughing and enjoying each other's company, that they didn't even notice they were passing by a group of students in the courtyard; one of which was sitting on a bench and had his foot out.

Chaeyoung accidently tripped on the outstretched foot and thanks to Lisa's support was able to catch her footing before falling on the ground.


Both Lisa and Chaeyoung were startled and quickly turned around and were meet with the student who Chaeyoung just tripped over.

"What? Even with those glasses on you can't see where you're going Park?!" The student got up from the bench and started marching towards Chaeyoung.

"I-I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" Chaeyoung stuttered through her apology and clutched her books tighter against her chest in fear of the student's confrontation.

Lisa quickly stood in front of her best friend, to prevent the student from getting anywhere near her.

"Oh, calm down already Kai, it was an accident." Lisa stated while standing her ground against the taller guy.

He scoffs, "Yeah right." He points a finger towards Chaeyoung. "Watch where you're going next time alright? You nearly scuffed up my shoes."

Lisa quickly turned Rosé around, wrapped her arms securely around her in a hug and walked the frightened girl away while Kai went and joined his friends again. Lisa looked behind her to make sure they are a good enough distance away before looking back to check on her friend.

"You, okay?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"Yeah... I am... Thanks Lis..." Chaeyoung quietly thanked her while keeping her head down.

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