Ch. 4 pt. 3

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Chaeyoung heaved out a somber breath as she was finishing up on some schoolwork that needed to be turned in soon. She was sitting in her own little, private section of the library; a small section with some of the older books that no one seemed to realize was there except for her, the librarian, and Lisa; she only knew about it because Chaeyoung would take her there to study in peace and quiet.

Chaeyoung was comfortably sitting in the corner, on the floor next to some of the older books, with her textbook/ homework on her lap. She would've sat at the little table the librarian had set up for her when she first found this place, but she settled for the corner as she felt comfortable there.

Chaeyoung soon felt her eyes begin to feel heavy again and her grip around her pen loosening. When she realized what was happening, she lightly shook her head and slapped her right cheek a little to wake herself up; she knew she had to finish and went back to work on her last question.

She shook her head lightly in disappointment; not just for almost falling asleep, but in herself for not getting these assignments done sooner. She's usually on top of these type of things and has them done in no time. But... then again... it's not like she hasn't been spending all of her time taking care of other things in her life.

Well... trying too anyway...and failing...

Chaeyoung stilled her pen and stared blankly at her schoolwork for moment, before looking over towards the floor on her right. She looked down at her phone and pondered for a moment before reaching over to check it.

She starred at the screen for a moment before letting out another, disappointed sigh; no chatter or update yet on anyone matching the description of the man she was looking for. She set her phone back down and pinched the bridge of her nose as she shook her head lightly.

She wondered how there could be no update. There had been several people who matched his description and yet... they weren't the person she was looking for...

Chaeyoung soon placed her head into her hands and lightly shook it. Not only was she disappointed in herself for lagging in her schoolwork/ studies, but for letting her mother, and those around her down.

Not only has she failed in catching the person who took her mother's life, she feels a pit of an overwhelming feeling of guilt building up deep inside her for how she's been to those closest to her; snapping at Lisa earlier, arguing with her sister Alice last night, not to mention the amount of worry she must be putting on her father; Even though he put on a brave face last night, she knows he must be worried sick and she's just-

"This is a cute little spot." A female voice spoke up.

Chaeyoung slowly lifted her head, and her eyes were widened in shock when she heard a familiar voice speak up. She looked over to her left and was surprised to see Jennie standing there, leaning against one of the bookshelves.

"I didn't even know this part of the library existed." Jennie says with a small smile.

"H-... how did you-"

"Lisa told me about this spot." Jennie says accidentally cutting Chaeyoung off. "Accidentally took two wrong turns to get here but I found it." Jennie stated as she walked over towards her.

As Jennie walked up, she pointed down towards the spot next to Chaeyoung. She starred at her, still stunned for a moment, but Chaeyoung knew what Jennie was asking and quickly/ clumsily moved her bookbag out of the way for her to sit. Jennie soon sat herself down next to Chaeyoung and got comfortable leaning back against the bookshelf.

"Hey." Jennie greeted jokingly.

"H-hi..." Chaeyoung timidly greeted back.

"How are you doing?" Jennie asked.

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