Ch. 6 pt. 3

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"Do you think I can fit ten of these in my mouth?" Lisa asks as she holds a marshmallow in each hand.

"You're a choking hazard to society, Lili." Jennie states.

"And a coward." Jisoo states grabbing some marshmallows herself. "Watch me fit fifteen."

Jennie shook her head in disbelief but amusement as she watched on from the opposite couch as both Jisoo and Lisa were essentially playing with the marshmallows now as opposed to eating them and watching the movie.

All the while that was happening Chaeyoung, who was sitting next to a distracted Jennie, heaved out a small but reluctant sigh as she scrunched her face in displeasure, opened her mouth, and popped in one last guacamole dipped chip in her mouth to eat.

She did her best to eat the chip as quickly as she could while trying not to think of the squishy, mushy texture of the guacamole. After what felt like an eternity, Chaeyoung soon breathed a sigh of relief a moment later as she laid back and placed both hands over her queasy stomach.

All that remained in front of her were two bowls; an empty bowl that once had guacamole in it and one that still had some chips in it.

"Wow, you're done already?" Jennie asked surprised as she looked over towards the girl.

Chaeyoung looked over towards her and nodded her head gingerly while still holding her stomach.

"You okay Rosie?" Jennie asks with some slight concern in her voice.

"Hm?" Chaeyoung hums before putting on a smile. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine, this was nothing, I'm good; thank you though Jennie it was good." She states while trying to keep a smile on.

"Well, that's good, I'm glad to hear that." Jennie says happily as she gets up and grabs the empty bowl and starts walking back to the kitchen.

As soon as Jennie walked out of the living room, Chaeyoung's smile dropped, and she once again heaved out another reluctant sigh as she continued to rub her queasy stomach. She was feeling a little nauseous but breathed in and breathed out a few times to try and calm her queasy self-down.

She looked over towards the other couch opposite to her and saw Jisoo fit another marshmallow into her mouth while an amused Lisa was looking over towards her nauseas looking best friend.

"You, okay?" Lisa mouths to which Chaeyoung gingerly nods once more.

Lisa nodded in understanding but was honestly impressed at how well Chaeyoung did; she for sure thought that after the first bite, Chaeyoung would lose it, but she was proven wrong otherwise.

And despite how queasy and nauseas she was feeling, Chaeyoung did it, she ate a whole bowl of avocados by herself and did not throw up once.

Now granted she was technically sharing with Jennie as she was also eating some chips and guac from time to time, but Chaeyoung is still counting that as a win.

'Hypothesis theorized, tested and successfully aced it.' Chaeyoung triumphantly thinks to herself. 'Thank you radioactive spider bite for-'

Chaeyoung was cut off from her thoughts as something caught her eye. She looked up next to her and couldn't help but smile as she saw that Jennie had come back from the kitchen and-...

Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows in confusion though as she saw Jennie had brought back the same bowl, she took back before and-

"Here you go Rosie." Jennie says as she sat down holding the bowl next to her. "I saw you had some chips left and figured you could use some more guac."

Chaeyoung's smile had dropped, and she stared dumbfounded at the refilled bowl of guacamole inches away from her face and-...

Chaeyoung quickly covered her mouth with her left hand as she felt an all too familiar queasy feeling from her tummy.

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