Chapter 5 Part 1

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Dark gray clouds filled the sky, and a loud clap of thunder could be heard echoing through all of Seoul as it appeared a small storm was coming. Soon, the sound of feet hitting the concrete could be heard as a man was running/ stumbling through an alleyway as his life depended on it.

Wanting to catch his breath, the man stops running for a moment, hunched over with his left hand palmed against a wall, breathing heavily not only wanting to catch his breath but to try and remember... what the heck happened to him just now.

'Again... it happened again!' he thought to himself. 'Why? Why does this keep happening to-'

He cut himself off from his own thoughts as he realized he was holding something in his right hand. He gazed down at his hand and his eyes widened when he realized what he was carrying.

"...W-why... why, do I keep waking up with this in my hand!?" he asks with a slight tremble in his voice.

What he was holding in his right hand, in his trembling, shaky hand was in fact a gun, but it wasn't his; he didn't know who's it was or where it even came from, all he did know was that he just kept waking up with it whenever this happened.

As he looked on at it in fear, he noticed a small white/ blackish smoke coming from the barrel of the gun, but what really got his attention was the logo on the handle of it. It looked like a monster with some type of horns on it. As he leaned in to get a better look at it, he quickly backed away in fear when he could've sworn, he saw the eyes glow for a moment.

Still breathing heavily and feeling more frightened the man quickly threw the gun away, behind some garbage that was next to him, just like the last time before placing both hands on top of his head and took several deep breaths to try and calm down.

While he was doing this though, he tilted his head in slight confusion when he realized he was wearing a baseball cap once more as well as another pair of sunglasses. He didn't have these with him before; all he wore was his white shirt, jacket, jeans, and shoes and yet he's wearing these things again.

He wondered where these things kept coming from and is about to remove them both before he stops. He pauses for a moment and has an uneasy feeling in his stomach that... he's being watched. He slowly looks behind him and doesn't see anyone though, just the road and another dark alleyway, on the next street over.

He stares over there for a moment before looking back forward and scratching his head a little in confusion. What he didn't realize though, a figure stood in the shadows, another man had been hiding in the next alley over, stalking him, waiting for him to turn his back towards him once more.

Soon the figure's white boots emerged from the shadows as he took a few steps forward while still hiding and keeping to the shadows. The mysterious figure was dressed from head to toe in a white leather attire, with the exception of their white cloth mask that had a small rectangular opening for his eyes.

The mysterious figure's brown eyes were filled with rage and anger as they continued to glare at the confused man across the street.

'What a waste... of a pawn.' a dark demonic voice spoke in his mind. 'Are you certain?'

The mysterious man dressed in white, slowly raised their right hand, close to their chest. In their hand they wielded a weapon, a sword, but not just any sword. They wielded a black saber with white cracks imprinted along the blade that shone bright as the cracks along with the blade itself began to have a mysterious white aura beginning to glow around it.

'Very well then... finish it... finish... him.' The demonic voice echoed in his mind once more.

Once he heard that, the mysterious man's brown eyes began to glow a bright yellowish/ gold color as he tightly gripped the handle of his sword and was ready, ready to strike, and ready to end this once and for all.

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