Ch. 2 Pt. 4

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Both Claire and Mason Park had looks of surprise written all over their faces as they just got done listening to what the principle had just told them. They both look towards their daughter who was sitting between them with her head down and fiddling with her hands.

"You... broke... someone's... leg?" Claire asked looking both surprised and stunned at what she just heard.

"It was an accident mom, honest." Chaeyoung said looking back up and feeling ashamed of what she did.

"Liar!" a female voice yelled.

The Parks and the Principle looked over to a furious woman who was being restraint by both Chanyeol and another man.

"Darling calm down." The man said towards the woman.

"Calm down?" The woman asked in disbelief. "Our son just had his leg broken and you're asking me to calm down?!?"

The woman and man that were with Chanyeol ended up being Kai's parents. Both sets of parents were called immediately from their works after both Chaeyoung and Chanyeol were brought to the principal's office.

"Mrs., I understand that your angry bu-"

"Angry?!?" Kai's mother says, cutting the principle off. "My poor son is being taken to the hospital while this... this delinquent is just sitting there!" she says while motioning towards Chaeyoung.

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Parks voices herself while standing up. "How dare you say that!"

"Oh, a quick temper I see, like mother like daughter I suppose." Kai's mother states.

Chaeyoung's mother goes to confront her but is held back by her husband and Chaeyoung who were still sitting down.

"L-let's just, take a moment and calm down, okay?" the principle says. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement an-"

"Agreement?" Kai's mother says cutting the principle off once again. "The only thing I will agree to is seeing that delinquent behind bars! There is already a police officer here," she motions towards Mr. Park. "Just put her in handcuffs and put her where she belongs!"

"Don't you ever say that about my daughter!" Claire voices herself. "My daughter is many things, but a delinquent is not one of them; plus, she would never intentionally go out of her way to hurt someone, ever."

"She threw her food on him." Chanyeol counters.

"The tray was chipped and got caught on my hoodie. I was tugging it off and... lost my grip of it while I tugged it too hard." Chaeyoung says trying to defend herself.

Okay that is a complete lie, and she knows it; and even though she doesn't like to lie, she knows she has to. Besides, what could she say? 'The tray was sticking to her hands because of her new sticky abilities that she got from a radioactive spider.'; yeah, that's gonna be a hard no, with a capital NO.

"You liar." Kai's mother says while pointing towards Chaeyoung.

"The only liar I see here is that young man over there." Claire says while motioning towards Chanyeol. "For all I know, he and your son are some of the one's who have been picking on our daughter."

"Mom please calm do- wait... you know about that?" Chaeyoung cuts herself off and looked at her mom surprised.

Claire nods a little and Chaeyoung looks over to her father who nods as well, letting her know that they both knew.

"How?" Chaeyoung asked looking surprised.

"You really thought Lisa would keep something like you being picked on a secret?" Mason looked at his daughter with a raised eyebrow.

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