Ch.1 Part 2

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Chaeyoung was walking down a line with other students beside her, tray in hand as she was getting ready to get something to eat. After her third morning class it was already time for lunch and the cafeteria was pretty loud as it was filled with other students talking, laughing amongst themselves, while eating.

While she was getting her food, Chaeyoung took this opportunity to take a moment and kind of unwind, relax, and reflect on the eventful morning she has had. Which was rather eventful for her to say the least, as opposed to any other normal day for her.

A normal day... Chaeyoung thought today was just going to be like any other normal day for her.

A normal day for Chaeyoung would consist of her meeting up with Lisa in the morning, having Lisa walk her to her first class safely, Chaeyoung sitting by herself for most of the day, focusing on doing her schoolwork, and not really socializing with anyone else until her homeroom with Lisa later on.

All the while hoping that some of the Upper classmen would not pick on or bother her, to which they didn't most of the time. (As opposed to the other times they did).

And of course, the occasional shy side glances she would take to get a tiny glimpse of her long-time crush Jennie. That was a normal day for Chaeyoung.

This morning well... it did not go as Chaeyoung thought it would go at all.

She did not expect to be introduced Jisoo Unnie, one of Lisa's other best friends.

She did not expect for Jisoo to volunteer and be the one to walk her to her first class while Lisa went to go and hangout with Bam Bam.

Not to mention, Chaeyoung didn't expect for Kai and his friends to confront and harass her the way that they did after she convinced Jisoo she would be fine on her own.

But what Chaeyoung was really not expecting was for Jennie Kim herself, to come to her rescue.

Not only did she scare off Kai and his friends away, but she took the time to check on her and make sure she was ok. Aside from Lisa, no one has ever really done that for her.

She even offered for them to sit together for their two morning classes so she could help Chaeyoung take her notes properly.

During their classes together, they would mostly talk about their schoolwork, but Jennie would every now and then, tell Chaeyoung something funny to try and make her laugh, and to help take Chaeyoung's mind off of what happened earlier. Which Chaeyoung thought was very sweet of Jennie to do and in all honestly, really helped Chaeyoung feel better.

She wasn't even thinking about what happened earlier and was solely focused on the beautiful girl next to her. (And her notes too of course. That's important too). Chaeyoung was really enjoying finally being able to interact with the girl she has been in love with for years now.

Well, Jennie did most of the talking while Chaeyoung would listen.

It's not that she wasn't talking herself, but this was Chaeyoung's first opportunity to talk to the girl and didn't want to come across as boring or nerdy; so, whenever she could Chaeyoung would flip the conversation back around so Jennie could talk more.

And in all honesty, Chaeyoung felt happy just sitting next to the girl and listening to her talk. Jennie had a soft and beautiful voice, that sounded like a sweet melody to Chaeyoung's ears. Chaeyoung's stomach would start to have butterflies flutter in there whenever she would see Jennie smile brightly or hear her soft giggle.

This morning may not have gone the way Chaeyoung thought it would. But it turned out to be a good morning for her after all.

After Chaeyoung had finally gotten her lunch, and thanked the lunch ladies that served her food, she began to walk through the cafeteria. Instead of trying to find a table to sit and eat like everyone else, she was making her way towards the exit.

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