Chapter 3 Part 1

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It was evening time and after Chaeyoung had finished putting her hair into a braided ponytail, she sat back at her desk in her room, to finish up some last-minute details on her latest costume design. She was practically done with it, but just wanted to add one last little detail on it. Once she was finished, she set her marker down on her desk and looked at her sketchbook with a proud smile as she finished another drawing.

The design she had finished working on was a large, detailed sketch of the suit she wanted to wear, from the chest up, towards the head with the hood on. She stares at it fondly for a moment before turning back a page. She looks back on the sketch she had finished drawing earlier, and this one was of the full body suit.

Both had already been colored in with the same three colors: Black, white, and pink. She looks back and forth between the two drawings and still can't believe that the suit she had drawn is the same one she dreamt about when she was unconscious.

She lets out a somber sigh a moment later, because as much as she loves this costume design, she knows she doesn't have the materials or means, to make said costume. She turns back two pages to a second costume design that she made that was more... attainable?

She gets up from her seat and walks over to her bed and looks down at the clothes she has already set on her bed for her second suit. She lets out a shaky breath as she feels the nerves start to go through her body. She couldn't believe she was actually going to go through with this.

But she has to... for her family.

"I can do this..." she lets out a deep drawn-out breath. "I got this... I got this."


"I DON'T GOT THIS!" Chaeyoung panicky whispers to herself as she paces back and forth while backstage.

She was already suited up in her costume; a white athletic hoodie, black athletic sweatpants, and bright teal running shoes. She had on a white mask that covered her whole head and wore a pair of black tinted safety goggles. She had spray painted the lining of the goggles pink along with her gloves and the end of her sleeves pink as well.

She was also currently at the "arena" if you could even call it that. She made her way to address she got from the ad and found herself in a large building with groups of people gathered around watching on as two other people compete on the concrete floor, basically in some street fights.

She looked over to the center and did see a large, squared stadium which was where she assumed, the champ will be fighting the newcomers. She walked over to some of the workers there and told them she was there to compete for the prize money, and they escorted her to the back along with six other new fighters.

As the night went on, Chaeyoung sat down in a chair with her teal backpack in her lap, watching on as one by one, each of the other fighters went on to fight and were brought back minutes later injured and beaten by the champion. The last person was just brought back moments ago and had been carried to the back by two employees who set him down on a stretcher to be taken and checked on by one of the doctors there.

Physically, Chaeyoung knows she can handle this... kind of. Mentally, she can... ah who is she kidding, she's freaking out now. She is now having mixed feelings about this whole thing.

'Isn't it technically cheating if I have super strength? Probably.' She thinks to herself.

'Is there a good chance, I might get hurt? Probably.' She also thinks to herself.

'Is there a good chance, I might hurt someone? Probably.' She thinks to herself... again.

'Is there a good chance, my parents will kill me if they find out I did this? Oh, absolutely.'

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