Ch. 3 Pt.2

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Chaeyoung walks into the school, gripping both straps on her backpack, and makes her way down the hallway. She had a small smile on her face and had a little pep in her step as she still felt almost energized after her win last night.

Not only did she win but was able to win the prize money for her parents. The surprise and happy looks on both of her parents faces as they checked their bank account this morning was enough to put a smile on her face as she continued to eat breakfast.

Not only that, but Spider-girl was such a hit with the crowd last night that the stage managers asked her if she could come back for another fight tonight. As much as Chaeyoung had fun last night, she wasn't quite sure.

'I mean... I did do okay last night. Not to mention mom and dad could use the help to pay off more of their bills, and winning a few more fights would be easy money to make... I guess I could-'

"Good morning Chaeyoung." A random female student greeted, cutting Chaeyoung from her thoughts.

"Oh, uh... G-good morning." Chaeyoung greeted back to the girl.

The female student smiled and did a little bow before walking away. As the girl passed her by, Chaeyoung looked on both surprised/ confused by the sudden interaction, mostly because no one other than her friends really talk to her, let alone probably knowing her name.

'That was... random.' Chaeyoung thought to herself. 'How did she know my-'

"Hi Chaeyoung." A random male student says walking up and cutting Chaeyoung from her thoughts as well.

"Oh, uhm... hello."

"You're amazing you know." The male student says, giving her two thumbs up before walking away.

As the student left, Chaeyoung was left surprised/ stunned once again. She was starting to wonder why random students who've never talked with her before, were suddenly starting to come up and be nice to her.

She begins to look around as she feels she's being watched and does in fact see several students looking on and whispering to one another while motioning towards her. She was only brought out of her little trance as she felt someone had linked arms with her. She looks over to her right, only to see Lisa now next to her.

"Lili, thank God you're here." Chaeyoung says sounding relieved. "The strangest thing just happened."

"Would it happen to involve multiple random students walking up to you and being nice to you?" Lisa says as they start walking together.

"Y-yeah." Chaeyoung says sounding surprised Lisa guessed right. "Wait, how did you know?"

"Because random students had been coming up to me, asking about you." Lisa states with a small chuckle.

"Wait really?" Chaeyoung asks while Lisa nods. "Why would they want to know about me?"

"Because you're the talk of the school Chae, you're like an idol now."

"I am?" She asks and Lisa nods. "Why?"

"Because." Lisa leans in and whispers into Chaeyoung's ear. "Of the fight you had with Kai and his friends." Lisa admits before pulling back.

"That's why people are starting to talk to me?" Chaeyoung asks as she stops walking. "Because I beat someone up?" Chaeyoung asks in almost disbelief.

"I know, that sounds bad." Lisa admits. "But on the bright side, at least people aren't ignoring you if you want to say hi to them. That's got to be something, right?"

"Well...." Chaeyoung pauses for a moment and looks around at the other students before turning back to Lisa. "It does feel kind of nice to not be completely, ignored." Chaeyoung timidly admits.

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