Ch. 6 pt. 5

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In an undisclosed location, inside the secret laboratory, the criminal known as Shocker sat off in the corner on a chair by one of the metal lab tables and was making sure his new shock gauntlets were ready to go. After getting both his gauntlets on, he gazed down at his right gauntlet through his mask for a moment before pushing a button on the side with his left finger.

Soon, a small slot opened up on top and a small rectangular shaped device with a rifle like scope attached to it, popped up. Shocker gazed at the little piece of new equipment that he will use on the demon's and-

"You know." A female voice spoke up.

Shocker broke away from his gaze and looked over to his left to see Vypra standing across from him.

"For your own sake, it would be wise of you, not to screw this up again." She states with an amused grin before walking away.

Shocker lightly scoffs in distain and glares at the woman through his mask for a moment before looking back down at his gauntlet. He shakes his head a bit as he closes the slot he just opened, and soon smacks both his fists into each palm of the opposite hand, one at a time, just to make sure the gauntlets were secured on before getting up.

He grabs his brown leather jacket from off the table and begins to walk towards the elevator. He walks halfway towards it before stopping. He stands there for a moment before looking back over his shoulder at something- more like someone behind him.

Behind him was the large computer screen and who sat in the chair in front of it, was the man he worked for. The mysterious male figure dressed in all black with the hexagonal green eye lenses on his mask continued to glare at the computer screen for a moment before eventually looking over his shoulder.

He didn't look at Shocker per say, but he did acknowledge his presence and gave him a small head nod. Shocker also gives the man he works for a small head nod before turning back, walking towards and into the already opened elevator and heading up towards his next assignment.

"Doctor." Vypra spoke up.

The mysterious male figure turned his attention from the elevator, towards his right, only to see Vypra there next to him holding out a folder to him.

"The folder you requested before." She states.

The Doctor takes the folder, opens it up and begins to skim through it a bit.

"Everything you need in there sir?" Vypra asks.

"... Yes." The mysterious male figure simply states as he closes the folder. "Well done, Vypra; Now, all we need is Shocker to succeed."

As he says that, one of the mysterious male figure's mechanical tentacles slithers across the ground, reaches up and over to a nearby table, opens its mechanical claw, and grabs one of the empty conical flasks that was nearby.

"And if he doesn't?" Vypra asks as the doctor admires the empty flask next to him. "If he fails?"

"For his sake-"


"He won't." The mysterious male figure proclaims after cutting himself off by the sound of glass shattering after his metal tentacle crushes the empty flask in its metal claw.


"There we go; That should hold you three up until the police show up. Chaeyoung proudly states.

Chaeyoung was dressed in her Spider- Girl suit and had just finished webbing up three delinquent college boys, side-by-side together, who had been causing trouble and trashing the little food market area they were at where other people/ families were at as well.

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