Chapter 1 - Meeting

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I'm Katniss Everdeen, today is my first day of school. I'm really nervous. I have never been good at making friends. Daddy says everything is going to be fine and that I will make a lot of friends. But I really don't know.

"Katniss, come down or you are going to be late." says daddy.

"But I don't want to go." I whine.

"Come on is going to be fun."

"Ugh! Fine!"

"That's my daughter."

Daddy walks me to the school and says goodbye to me. I then go in and have a sit in the corner of the room. Just when I thought nobody was going to like me or want to be my friend there's a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be met by beautiful ocean blue eyes that belong to a pretty boy with ashy blonde hair.

"Do you mind if I sit here." he says pointing at the sit next to me.

'Ok Katniss this is your chance to make at least one friend.' I tell myself.

"Not at all." I say to the boy.

He puts his stuff down then turns to me and says. "Hi, I'm Peeta Mellark. Do you want to be friends?"

"Hi, I'm Katniss Everdeen and I would love to be your friend."

Soon the firsts classes are over and it's recess time. I start walking to the swings when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see Peeta running towards me.

Once he reaches me I say. "Hi Peeta wanna go play to the swings?"

"Sure." he says.

Peeta and I were playing on the swings when a boy with bronze hair and green eyes and a red headed girl with sea green eyes came to us and the boy said.
"Hi, I'm Finnick and this is my friend Annie. Wanna be friends?"

"Hi, I'm Peeta and this is Katniss. And sure, let's be friends" says Peeta. Man he's good with words! I think we're going to be really good friends.

--------*lunch time*---------

Annie, Finnick, Peeta and I are walking towards the lunch room when we start hearing screams.

"Get the hell out of here blondy, I don't want to see you bothering anyone else especially me, you hear me?!!!" A girl with short black hair and red high lights is pinning down a blonde girl who is nodding her head fast. The first girl then gets up and let's her go.

"Wow! I have never seen a five year old act like the. I like it. I'm Finnick. These are Annie, Peeta and Katniss. Wanna be friends?" Says Finnick.

"Sure. I'm Johanna, Johanna Mason."

That day everything went on just fine. I made friends and now people call us the 'Victors' the group consists of Finnick, Annie, Johanna, Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel (2 boys and 2 girls who we met later that day), Peeta and I.

We also made enemies with a group who people now call the careers and it consists of Delly, Madge, Brutus, Enobaria and Gale. People say he has a crush on me but I think I might be having a crush on Peeta. I hope he likes me too.

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