Chapter 11 - The Plan Part 1

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Today's Tuesday. Me and Annie are walking to the bathroom to retouch our makeup.

After reapplying makeup, Annie and I were about to walk out of the bathroom, but we hear to people talking.

"We have to break them up." Says the first voice which sounds extremely familiar.

"Yeah. That b**tch of Katpiss took my man. And NO ONE does that and gets away with it." Delly.

"Don't call her that. And is that stupid BreadBoy that took Katniss from me."Gale. I knew that voice sounded familiar.

"Fine. Whatever. So here's the plan. I'll text Peeta things like if he was cheating on Katniss with me and you'll steal his phone and answer me as if he were. Then you'll show that to Katniss while I take Peeta to a corner. You will take Katniss to were we are and when you two are near enough to see, I'll kiss Peeta full on the lips not letting him out of my grasp until Katniss thinks he's kissing back. And then they'll have to brake up. Got it?" Says Delly.

"Yeah. You're a genius. If I wasn't in love with Katniss I would be in love with you." Gale says.

"Same here." Delly replies and then they walk away.

"Annie did you heard that!" I whisper/yell.

"Yeah. We gotta tell Peeta. And plan revenge." She says.

"We're so gonna get them."

"Yeah we are."

We walk around looking for Peeta and we find him in the art room.

"Peeta, we need to talk." I say.

"What's wrong?" He asks worried.

"Delly and Gale have a plan to brake you guys up." Says Annie.

"Yeah. And we plan to make their plan backfire." I continue.

"Ok. What's their plan?" He asks and we explain it to him.

He think for a moment and says. "What do you have in mind to get them."

I smile evilly and say.
"Here's the plan....."

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