Chapter 6 - "Birds and Bees"

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Today at school we're learning about "birds and bees" if you know what I mean.

I'm more than sure that Finnick is going to get annoying with that. But I still love him like a brother.

*time skip to science *

"Well class, as you know, today we're talking about "birds and bees". " Mr. Beetee says.

The whole class groans.

*time skip to after class*

"That was disturbing." Says Finnick and shivers.

In science we learned about the girls parts and all the guys had different reactions.

Finnick and Cato were traumatized. Marvel threw up. And Peeta is bright red and hasn't said anything since before the lesson. Neither has he looked me to the eye and I'm starting to get worried.

"Peeta can I talk to you in private." I say. He just nods and follows me.

"What's wrong with you? You haven't said a word since science and won't even look at me in the eye. You know that you can tell me anything, right?" I ask.

"I know." He says still without looking at me. "It was just so embarrassing."

"Look at me." He finally lifts his gaze. "I know you feel like you're invading someone's space but it's ok. We will learn about guys tomorrow anyways. And everyone needs to leant about that. Okay?"


We go back to our friends and Finnick is the first to speak. "I thought you were having some extra "fun" back there." He says with a wink.

'Here we go' I think to myself.

Peeta's red and looking at the floor. And that made me explode.

"Thanks a lot Finnick! Look what you've done to Peeta! Now all of my efforts to make him comfortable with this situation goes to waste! Ugh!" Everyone is looking at me wide eyed.

"Sorry." Says Finnick.

"Yeah, you should be." I mutter.

Then I feel someone hug me and say, "It's ok Kitty."

Peeta. I hug him back. But I'm glad because five seconds ago he wouldn't even look at me in the eyes.

"Thanks." I say.

"I should be the one thanking you." He chuckles.

I laugh. Only he can get this kind of laugh out of me. I love him so much. I wish he would like me like that.

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