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Years later.

"Daddy! I'll be fine. Finn will be there with me." Willow says as Peeta bugs her about being sure she wants to go to college.

"I know, princess. That's partly what worries me. Even though I know he will protect you, he's too much like Finnick at that age and I also know you two are definitely not virgins." Peeta says and I burst out laughing at the last thing he said.

I still remember the night we came early from a trip and found them naked in bed.

"Dad!" Willow whines while blushing at the memory.

"Just don't get off the pill until you're married okay?" He says.

"Sure, daddy." Willow says.

"Come on. It's time to go." I say. We all walk downstairs where Rye is patiently waiting and load Willow's bags to the trunk of Finn's car. Well, Peeta does.

"Okay. This is it." Willow says. Rye is the first to hug her.

"Can I have your room now?" He asks.

"No way, chipmunk. I'm not leaving forever." She says and they release the hug. Willow hugs me next.

"Bye, baby. Good luck." I say.

"Thanks, momma. See you in thanksgiving." She says releasing our hug and hoes to Peeta. She hugs him tightly.

"Good luck, princess." Peeta says and holds back his tears.

"Bye, daddy." Willow says in a small voice crying on Peeta's neck. She was always a daddy's girl and Rye has always been momma's little boy. The separate and Peeta dries her tears.

"Go take the world." Peeta says. Willow gets in the car and waves goodbye as she leaves.

"She'll be back soon." I tell Peeta.

"I know. It's still hard." He says.

"I know." I say.

"Hey! You still have me." Rye says.

"Yes, chipmunk." I say and side-hug him. Peeta takes a hold of my hand and we walk inside as a family.

I can't believe that after all this time we remained together. With stitches in our elastic hearts and that yellow flicker which sparks our love. We remained together. Always.

A/N: so the book is over. This was my first book ever. I want to thank all my readers for the support they have given me. Sadly, there won't be a sequel for this book. I just don't picture it. Sorry. There might be a book of one shots of stuff that happened after this book. Or in between the end and epilogue. Stuff such as why they call Rye chipmunk. I would mean lot to me if you checked out my other book. The next one I'll be working on is He's mine.

Again thanks for your support I really appreciate it.

Love y'all

- Valentina 😘

Ps: my name in English is Valentine. I find it quite ironic to finish my book on Valentine's Day. 😂😂😂

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