Chapter 30 - Pregnant again

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3 years later

"But momma, I don't wanna go!" Willow whines. It's her first day of school and she doesn't want to go.

"Come on, Willow! Finn is gonna be there." Peeta bribes.

"Really?!" Willow squeals.

"Yes. But we gotta get going." Peeta says.

"Okay!" Willow says and runs to the car.

"You know, some days I think Finnick is right when he says Willow and Finn will gat married someday. " I say.

"Yeah... Well, I better don't make Willow wait. I'll see you later, beautiful." Peeta says and gives me a peck on the lips before he leaves.

As soon as he leaves tough I smell food and instantly feel sick. I go to the bathroom and throw up. Lately I've been feeling weird. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with Willow. Then it hits me. What if I'm pregnant again?

I quickly get my purse and go to the store. I buy a box with pregnancy tests and hurry home. I take three tests and all come positive. I'm pregnant with my second child. I smile. I am so happy right now. I can't wait to tell Peeta! He's gonna be so happy.

Later Willow, Finn and Peeta get home.

"We'll be in my room!" Willow and Finn say in unison as they run upstairs. I laugh.

"Peeta?" I say.

"Yes, darling?" He asks.

"Do you want more children?"

"Yes. I would love to have more someday. Why?"

"I'm pregnant again." I say and his face breaks into a huge smile.

"I'm gonna be a daddy again!" He exclaims as he spins me around while I laugh. We kiss. Really passionately.

Later that day Finnick and Annie come and pick Finn up, much to his and Willow's dismay. We tell Annie and Finnick about the baby and they congratulate us. Of course Finnick had to make a remark about how Peeta put 'another bread in the oven.'

After dinner we sit Willow down ready to tell her.

"Will, honey, you're gonna have a baby brother or sister." I tell her going straight to the point.

"Are you trying to replace me? Do you not love me anymore?" Willow says as her eyes fill with tears.

"Not at all, baby. You will always be our little princess. But we thought you might want someone who you can play with all the time and never has to leave. We still love you all the same. We could never replace you." Peeta explains.

"Where is it?" She asks.

"In mommy's tummy." Peeta says.

"Did she eat it?" She asks. 

"No. A fairy put it in there so it can grow for nine months and then he or she will come out." I say.

"Oh. Can you make it a girl?" She requests.

"We can't choose. But we'll find out what it is in 5 months."

5 months later.

Turns out I'm having a baby boy. We decided to name him Rye James Mellark after Peeta's brothers. I can't wait to get my baby.

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