Chapter 27 - Birth

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Five months later

I wake up to a sudden abdominal pain. I then feel a liquid running down my legs. I touched it and look at my hand relieved to see it's not blood. Then it hits me. My baby is coming!

"Peeta! Wake up! The baby is coming!" I shout and Peeta wakes up.

Without another thought he gets up from be and gets the bag we prepared.

"Prim! Katniss is in labor! Get up we can't leave you here alone!" He yells and proceeds to pick me up.

Prim comes running from her room and follows us to the car. Peeta puts me in the back and Prim goes shut gun.

"Agh!" I scream as a contraction hits. Peeta gets in the car and starts towards the hospital.

"I apologize I in advanced for all thing I will yell at you guys and know that I don't mean any of them." I say to Peeta and Prim.

"We understand." They say in unison. I smile but then another contraction hits.

"Ugh!" I complain.

"It's ok honey." Peeta says trying to calm me down.

"No it's not! This is all your fault! You got me in this situation!" I yell at him but regret it immediately. "Sorry."

"It's ok, baby."

We soon arrive to the hospital and I'm taken to a room.

Three hours later

I finally hear the cries of my baby girl after hours of pain. Peeta cut the umbilical cord and the midwife takes her to get cleaned.

"Do you guys have a name?" The nurse that's filling out the birth certificate asks.

"Willow Primrose Mellark." I say.

"Beautiful." The nurse says and writes it down.

"I'll go see if she's ready." Peeta says and leaves the room. He comes back in less than a minute with our daughter in his arms. "She's beautiful. She looks just like you, Kat." He passes her to me.

"Yes. She's beautiful." I say holding her. Peeta climbs in my hospital bed and wraps his arms around us both. Willow opens her eyes. "She has your eyes, Peeta."

We just stare at Willow for what seems like forever until the group budges in. Annie holding a three-month-old Finnick Jr. Odair.

"Oh! Let me hold her!" Finnick shouts.

"Ok! But don't yell!" I scold him.

"Already acting like a mother little sis?" He ask. His dad and my mom got married last month.

"Of course big bro!" I say.

Soon after everyone gets a chance to hold Willow, the group leaves us to rest. The nurse shows me how to breast feed and I put Willow to sleep. Peeta pulls the covers up and we soon drift into oblivion.

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