Chapter 22 -Telling Peeta

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"Kat! I'm home!" Peeta yells as he makes his way into the house.

"In the living room!" I attempt to sound like I normally do but my voice crack somewhere in the sentence.

Peeta doesn't answer but silently appears by the living room's door frame and leans on it looking at me suspiciously with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Why don't you sit down?" I say trying to gain time to find the right word to tell him.

"Uh-oh. That bad?" He asks.

"I don't know if it's good or bad. It all depends on how you take it." I say.

"Tell me then." He says.

"Ok. But promise me you won't leave me?" I say.

"Did you cheat on me?" He asks incredulously with a frown.

"God, no." I say.

"Okay, then. I promise I won't leave you." He says.

"Peeta, please don't be mad, but I'm.... I'm pregnant." I say.

He just stared at me.

"Please say something." I plead.

"Is it mine?" He asks.

"Of course! Who else's would it be?" I say.

"Just making sure. How long have you known about this?"

"I found out this morning."

"How far along are you?"

"About a month. It happened after Prom." I say.

"Are you planning on keeping it?" He asks.

"Of course!" I say.

He doesn't say anything else and I get worried. He doesn't show any emotion and I don't know what to think.

"I understand if you want to break your promise and lea-" I say but I'm cut off by his lips. I kiss him back.

"Don't even think about that. Always, remember? And I'm as responsible for that baby as you are. Okay?" He says, breaking the kiss.

"Okay. I love you Peeta." I say.

"And I love you Katniss. Don't worry everything will be alright. Come on let's call the hospital to make an appointment and know for sure how far along are you and if the baby is healthy." He suggests.

"Okay." I say.

We walk towards the phone and make an appointment for tomorrow at 10:00am.

"We need to tell our families and friends." I state. Although the girls already know.

"I think that's a good idea. We should invite them all to dinner tomorrow night." He says.

"Yeah. My dad will come to town tomorrow for business anyway. Talking about that, I still need to tell Finnick about his dad and my mom." I say.

"Why don't you tell him at dinner tomorrow." Peeta says.

"Will do. Remind me if I forget." I say.

We call all of our friends and family, and invite them to dinner.

Then, we take a shower and go straight to bed.

*Next Day at the Hospital*

"Hello, I have an appointment with Dr. Lassiter." I tell the receptionist. Peeta's standing by my side with his arm over my shoulder.

"Katniss Mellark." I say. We booked the appointment with that name so we wouldn't get looks of disgust.

"Ok. I need you to fill this out and we'll call you when we're ready for you." She says handing us some papers to fill out.

We fill out the papers. Most questions were about our medical records.

After about 15 minutes we get called in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lassiter but you can call me Risa. I'll be your doctor through this whole pregnancy." Dr. Risa says.

"Hi, I'm Katniss and this is Peeta." I tell her not wanting to lie to my doctor.

"Ok, Katniss, I understand you're pregnant. Would you mind laying on the bed and lifting your shirt up?" She asks.

I do as told.

"This might be cold." She warns before putting, an indeed cold, gel on my stomach.

She grabs a wound type of thing and rubs it over the gel.

"Well, Katniss, it seems like you're 6 weeks pregnant and the baby looks just healthy." She says and hands me a paper towel to clean the gel of.

"I'll be giving you some pills and vitamins for you and the baby. You should book another appointment in two months from now. Any questions?"

"No. Thank you." I say.

"You're very welcome. Se you in two months." She says cheerily.

"Bye." Peeta and I say in sync and walk out, making and appointment in two months time.

We walk home and start preparing everything for dinner.

I wonder how everyone will take it?

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