Chapter 18 - Peeta's Sister

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Me and Peeta entre the bakery laughing about a joke Finnick said the other day.

"Hello Katniss, hello Peeta." Mr. Mellark greets us. "How's been the life living together?"

"It's been fine, dad." Says Peeta.

"Good. Now, Peeta, I have to tell you some news..." Says Mr. Mellark.

"News?" Asks Peeta.

"Well... do you even remember having a sister?"

"Dad, I don't have a sister. That's why mom beats me."

"Well..... You actually do."

"WHAT?!" Peeta and I say in unison.

"Yeah. When Peeta was 4 years old we had a daughter but when he was 7 she got lost. She's Prim's age actually."

Me nor Peeta know what to say. We're gaping and in shock.

"How?!" Asks Peeta.

"Well, you know how a baby come to the world." Mr. Mellark says.

"I don't mean that. I mean, how did you found her?"

"Well, I was walking down the street and saw this girl who looked a lot like Willow, that's her name by the way, and I went up to her and said 'Hey darling, what's your name?' And she said 'I'm Willow Mellark, I've been lost for about, 10 year, maybe.' I asked how did she survived and she said that a family found her and took care of her but that she had been looking for her real family all this time and then she said her dad kind of looked like me and she told me that her father's name was Jason Mellark (A/N which is Peeta's dad's name) and that she had 3 older brothers who's names were James, Rye and Peeta and that her mom was a pretty mean person. Then I thought to myself 'this is our Willow.' Then I told her I was her dad and she was so happy that we found each other, I was too. I then brought her here and now she's upstairs. So, would you like to see her?" Mr. Mellark tells us.

Peeta and I nod enthusiastically.

"Willow come down!" Yells Mr. Mellark.

"Coming!" Yells a voice from upstairs.

We hear steps running down the stairs and then a girl with wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes, that resemble Peeta's, who looks about 14 appears.

"Hello." She says. "I'm Willow. Who are you?"

"Well, I'm your brother, Peeta, and this is Katniss, my girlfriend." Says Peeta.

"So you are Peeta. I was wondering where you were." She says. "It's nice to.... re-meet you and it's nice to meet you Katniss. But I think I've met you before?"

"I guess we have because your brother and I know each other since we were 5." I say.

"Oh. So how long have you guys been dating?"

"About a year." Peeta says.

"Wait, wasn't Katniss the girl you had a crush on since the first day of school?" Willow asks with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah." Says Peeta.

"And you got together last year?!" She asks laughing slightly.

"Yeah." I say.

"Question. How long have you liked my brother for?" She asks me.

"Well, since the first day of school."

"Psh. Dumbs." Willow mutters under her breath.

"Willow." Mr. Mellark warns.

"Sorry. But I mean, how brainless of you. I don't mean to be rude, but... come on!" She says.

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