Chapter 4 - Nightmare

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I'm walking to the first grade zone when I feel myself being pinned to the floor. Gale.

"Let go!!!" I scream as I try to get free from his grasp but he is to strong for me.

"I don't think so, Catnip. Not until you agree to go out with me."

"Never! You just wait until Peeta comes and your gonna get it! Again!"

"Oh Catnip, didn't you know? Peeta is dead he can't help you now."

"You lair!"

"Why would I lie."

I can't really think of a good reason of why would he lie. And it also feels like he's telling the truth. So I start screaming. "NO! PEETA! PLEASE COME BACK! I NEED YOU!" I start to cry.
I feel someone shaking me saying 'wake up Katniss! Wake up'

----end of nightmare----

I wake up sweating in a really concerned Peeta's arms.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yeah just a nightmare. But how did you know something was going on?"I ask.

"I went to the bathroom and when I came back you were mumbling 'no Peeta' so I woke you up. What was your dream about?"

"Well, Gale was attacking me but you weren't there to protect me because you were dead." by the end of that phrase I'm crying.

"It's ok. I'm ok and so are you." With that I calm down.

"Thanks." I say.

"You're welcome."

And then we fall back asleep.

And that was my first night with nightmares.

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