Chapter 25 - The Accident

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⚠️Beware⚠️Feels⚠️Prepare tissues⚠️

Willow's POV 😱

Today is my date with Finn. I am so nervous. Rye is sure going to be controlling us. I start to get ready.

I put on a dark purple gaze shirt, white jeans and black sandals. I do a waterfall braid and let my hair in its natural curls.

"Will, I'm going to pick Finn up you have 15 minutes to be ready!" Rye yells from downstairs.

"Ok!" I reply.

I put my star necklace on and black feather earrings. I paint my nails yellow and done.

Ding dong!

He's here!

I walk downstairs and open the door.

"Hey, Will!" Finn says.

"Hey!" I say.

"This is for you." He says handing me a single pink rose.

"Thank you." I say giving him a kiss on the corner of his mouth. He smiles at me.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall." I say. He takes my hand and leads me to the car. He pines the door for me, and we both get in.

"About time." Rye says.

"Shut up." I tell him.

We reach a red light, and Finn turns to look at me.

"Willow, can I do something that I've always wanted to do since I met you?" He asks.

"Yes." I say. He kisses me on the lips. We start making out.

"Okay! Okay! That's enough." Rye says from the front seat. We break apart and laugh.

The light turns to green and Rye advances. I see a car coming from the side directly towards us.

"Rye! Stop!" I say, but I'm too late. The car hits us on the side, and it flies on the air landing upside down. Then, I black out.

Katniss's POV.

Peeta and I are relaxing in the meadow when Peeta's phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" Peeta answers. "Oh, hey, dad!......What's wrong?....... What?!....... Are they okay?........ We're on our way." He hangs up and falls to the floor crying. 

"What's wrong, Peeta?" I ask worries because Peeta doesn't cry unless it's something really serious.

"A drunk driver hit Rye's car when he was taking Finn and Willow to their date. There were no survivors." He says and breaks down again. I can only imagine what he's feeling. He was the closest to Rye, and Williw was his little princess.

"Oh, Peeta." I say and try to comfort him.

"I c-can't believe s-she's gone. My *sob* dad said the funeral *sob* for the three of *sob* them will be held in 3 days. We should call *sob* Finnick to see if he k-knows." Peeta says.

"I'm here for you Peeta. You know what? If we end up having a girl we'll name her Willow after Will, and if we have a boy Rye." I tell him really meaning it.

"Really?" He asks.

"Really." I say. "I'll go call Finnick."

"Ok. I'll be on the art room. My dad asked if I could make the portraits for the funeral."


Next I call Finnick.

"Hello?" Finnick says.

"Hey, Finnick. It's Kat. Did you hear about the car crash?" I say.

"Yeah *sob* my mom just told me *sob*. Tell Peeta I said I'm sorry."

"Will do. Same for you. I'm sorry for little Finn."

"I'll talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye." I say and hang up.

*3 days later*

"Can Peeta Mellark please come on up?" The priest asks. I give Peeta's hand a reassuring squeeze, and he goes up.

We ate currently at the funeral. Everyone's crying. We are all grieving. The portraits Peeta made are beautiful.

"Hello everyone. Thank you for coming. This is hard for me, but people say I have a way with words so... Rye was my older brother. The oldest of the Mellark siblings. The only one who was able to beat me at wrestling. The one who always defended me. The one who stood up to our mother for me. We had a strong bond. I will always miss him. Willow was my little sister. My little princess. Even though I didn't have a lot of time with her since she was lost for almost 10 years, I still loved her. We had a great bond. She was a sassy 14 year old girl. We'll all miss her and her humor. Finn was a mini version of Finnick. Nobody could doubt they were brothers. We all loved him. Willow had a huge crush on him. And him on her. Now they'll be together for the rest of their days in heaven. Katniss and I have decided to name our future baby in their honor. We will never forget them. We love you guys. Thank you." Peeta says his beautiful speech and walks down.

The ceremony soon ends, and the bodies are buried.

We go home straight to bed. I know we will move on. We'll take our time, but we will.

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