Chapter 16 - Divorce

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I hear the door being slammed.

My parents have been fighting a lot lately. I'm pretty sure my mom has been cheating on him.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" I say.

"Hello, Katniss." Says my dad. "We need to talk. I just asked your mother for a divorce. She has been cheating on me with Finnick's dad for about a year now. I don't think I love her anymore. The thing is... I'm moving to New York and I don't want you to be with her. Prim has agreed to come..."

"Actually dad.,.." I cut him off. "I predicted this would happen soon. I don't want to go to New York. I have my life here. My friends, my boyfriend and I'm a senior at school now, it's not worth leaving. I get that you don't want me to stay with mom. I don't either, which is why Peeta and I planed this: we will move to our house in the lake. We found it years ago when we were around 12. Nobody uses it and it's big enough for us two. I know what you're thinking: 'but why would Peeta want to move out?' And 'Katniss leaving alone with her boyfriend?' To answer your first question, promise you won't say anything but, his mom beats him. And for the second, come on you've known Peeta for 12 years now, you know he can be trusted."

"Fine." He says after a couple of minutes of thinking it through. "But no funny business."

"I promise." I say crossing my fingers knowing that it already happened.

"Good. Now if I were you I'd start to pack."

"Thanks dad. Love you."

"Love you too, Hun. Oh, and I'll be paying you bills 'till you're out of college."

"Thank you so much, daddy."

"No problem darling."

He kisses my cheek and then walks out of the room.

Now, I have to tell Peeta.

Katniss🎯: Hey, Peeta! Guess what! 😁

Peeta❤️🍞: What?!

Katniss🎯: My dad said we could move in together! 🎉🎊🎈

Peeta❤️🍞: That's great! Do u think we should move in this week?

Katniss🎯: ASAP.

Peeta❤️🍞: Ok. I'll go pack. Love you. Bye. 😘😘😘

Katniss🎯: K. Bye. 😘😘😘

And with that I start to pack.

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