The Green Ninja

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(Y/n)'s POV

We are practicing on the deck with our golden weapons, fighting fake Serpentine.





A light is then turned on, showing Nya,"Good training. Your powers are getting stronger." She tells us, "But where's Kai?"

We all look at each other before deciding to find Kai. It wasn't too hard, considering how loud he's being. We all stand in the doorway ot Sensei's room, watching as Kai does multiple exercises in the Green Ninja Gi.

"Bring heat!" He yells.

The rest of us cracked up laughing after that, as he looks completely silly.

"That Gi doesn't look good on him."

'It'd look better on me.'

"Eh, maybe."

"Very nice. Perhaps if you tried the phrase 'fire dork' maybe it might work." Cole suggests.

"How long have you all been watching?" Kai asks, his face blushing with embarrassment as he takes the hood off.

"Long enough for blackmail." I tell him.

"The Green Ninja suit, that's awesome!" Jay exclaims.

"Well, I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei and then I found this." Kai states.

"But you know only he who is foretold  to face Lord Garmadon is destined to be the Green Ninja." Zane says, "And only he should wear the Green Ninja outfit. So Sensei would most likely be very--"

"I know, I know." Kai interrupts, walking towards a window, "But I thought if I tried it on, it might help me see my true potential. It's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't. Besides, sensei's gone and we don't know when he's coming back."

We suddenly hear the sound of a door opening.

"Hello? I'm home." A familiar voice announces.

"Sensei!" Everyone, buy Kai, exclaims.

We all run to the deck to see Sensei standing with Nya, "Ah. It's so good to be home." Uncle says.

"So glad you're back." Zane tells him.

"Did you bring us anything?" Cole asks.

"Life has been crazy since you left." I say.

Jay walks up to Sensei, "Oh, sensei, have you missed a lot. Zane's a Nindroid. Nya's the mysterious Samurai. (Y/n) has a talking shadow. Cole's a dancer--"

"Zane is a what?" Uncle questions.

"You've been gone for a while. We'll catch you up later." Zane explains, "But you should know, all of us expect for Kai have discovered our true potential."

Sensei looks at us surprised, "Have you now?" He asks before looking around, "Where is Kai?"

Kai finally comes running up the stairs with his regular Ninja Gi on, "Right here. So glad you're back safe." He says.

Then four arms came from behind Sensei's back, revealing Lord Garmadon.


"Aah, sensei! Behind you!" Kai exclaims, jumping up and taking his sword out to attack my father.

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