Pause and Effect

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(Y/n)'s POV

We eventually came to a large sewer entrance.

"We have to go through there?" Kai asks.

Skylor then smirks, "Afraid of a little stink, Hotshot?" She asks.

"Lloyd said to take the sewers to get to the Time Twins' base." Nya tells him.

I then shrug, "Well, hold your noses everyone." I say as we then rush into the tunnels.

As we keep running we come to a split.

"Oh no, which way now?" Kai asks.

I think for a moment before I get an idea.

"My link," I say aloud and then turn to the others, "I could use my link with Lloyd to sense where he is…"

"You can find him and the others." Morro finishes in realization.

"Bingo! Now, just let me concentrate." I close my eyes, put my hands to my head and focus.

I feel myself zooming through the sewer tunnels, searching for my brother until…


'Found you! Don't worry we'll be there soon.'

I snap out of my trance and turn to the others, "I found them. Their down the right tunnel and-"

Before I can finish, we hear echoing footsteps approaching us from the right tunnel. "Get ready. Could be a Vermillion."

We draw our weapons and waited for whatever was in the tunnel to come out. The footsteps got closer and then it revealed itself to be…

…a rat.

“Well that was anticlimactic-” Nya says before I hear a loud scream.

“RAT!! RAT!! RAT!!” Morro screams as he jumps into Kai’s arms. We all stare at him in shock before turning back to the rat as it scurries off.

I then slowly turn back to my boyfriend who was just calming down, “Stormboy? You're...afraid, of rats?” I ask slowly.

Morro, realizing what he just did, then blushes before I burst into laughter so hard I feel like my sides are gonna split open while Nya and Skylor struggle not to laugh.

“You can put me down now, Hotshot!” He demands.

Kai smirks, “Whatever you say scaredy-rat.” He quips as he lets Morro down.

“I can’t believe someone like you is afraid of a tiny rat!” Skylor comments with a chuckle.

Morro just huffs and turns to me as I was still guffawing, “If you’ve had your laugh, can you please guide us to the others?” He asks.

I finally get control of myself and turn to the tunnel, “Hehe, alright, alright. Let’s move!” I declare as we charge down the tunnel.

After a bit of trekking I hear another scream. We then turn to Morro who holds his hands up, “Wasn’t me.”

“You're right, that was Cole.” Kai realizes, “We must be getting close.”

“This way.” I tell them as we keep on moving until eventually.

“There they are!” I say, seeing Lloyd, Zane, Jay and Cole up ahead.

We then walk up to them, “Hey guys. What we miss?” Nya asks.

“Cole freaking out over a slug!” Jay laughs.

“And Lloyd laying out the plan of attack.” Zane adds.

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